Look here:
Think about the Saint Nicolas of Myra.
DON'T look here:
The Nicolas of Acts 6:5 was a native of Antioch and a proselyte (convert to Judaism) and then a follower of the way of Christ. When the Church was still confined to Jerusalem, he was chosen by the whole multitude of the disciples to be one of the first seven deacons, and he was ordained by the apostles, c. AD 33. It has been questioned whether this Nicolas was connected with the Nicolaitans mentioned in Revelation, and if so, how closely.
Irenaeus, was of the opinion that he was their founder.
The Nicolaitanes are the followers of that Nicolas who was one of the seven first ordained to the diaconate by the apostles. They lead lives of unrestrained indulgence. The character of these men is very plainly pointed out in the Apocalypse of John, [when they are represented] as teaching that it is a matter of indifference to practice adultery, and to eat things sacrificed to idols.
>unrestrained indulgence
>indifferent to adultery
>eating their sacrifices
Sounds EXACTLY like the cabal to me.
Christmas isn't about Jesus' birth.
It's about the founding of the cabal by THEIR Saint Nicolas in 33AD.
How about Easter?
Bigtime huge Catholic holiday.
It's NOT about celebrating Jesus' 'resurrection'.
It's about celebrating his ASSASSINATION in 33AD.
The sheep have been indoctrinated to worship satan while thinking they're doing the opposite.