Brad Parscale: Half the Stuff Coming Out of CNN is Fake. Why Does Facebook Allow CNN on There? (VIDEO)
Trump 2020 Campaign spokesman Brad Parscale sat down with Frontline for a lengthy discussion on the Facebook dilemma. The interview was more like an interrogation. The liberal media’s interest to this day is to condemn Facebook for allowing the Trump campaign to access it’s services during the 2016 election.
Parscale discussed how the Trump campaign was using Facebook in the 2016 election. For the record, Hillary Clinton used social media too but this never gets any mention from the liberal mainstream media. And Facebook and the Obama campaign bragged about how well they used the platform after the 2012 election.
Parscale was also grilled on his thoughts on the Russian run ads during the 2016 election. His answer was spot on, “You know, six thousand dollars is what they spent over the last six weeks. I was spending that per half second or per millisecond probably. So if you take that over six weeks they were spending .00001 cent per second. So I could get how maybe it would fly under the radar.”
On Fake News in the media:
“By the way I don’t believe everything that I read anymore because 90% of the stuff that is written about me is false so it’s hard to believe what anybody else is once you’ve had it happen to you… I mean CNN is on Facebook everyday too and I tell you that half the stuff that is coming out of CNN is fake. So why does Facebook allow CNN on there?”
Facebook has eliminated or shadow-banned most all influential conservative voices on their platform since 2016 by describing conservative news as “fake news” or “hate speech.” Liberal voices continue to push the Russia collusion fantasy for over two years without any pushback from Facebook.