Just thought I'd share this with you. Stuff like this explains, rather completely, why liberals think we are evil.
Dear MoveOn member,
Tell Sec. Mattis to make clear that U.S. troops cannot use any force against people seeking asylum. Period. Bring the troops home immediately. [NB. They are ALREADY home, asshole.]
This weekend, border officials attacked people seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border—including children and toddlers—with tear gas.1 This comes just after the Trump administration issued an order authorizing troops at the border to use deadly force against families.2
This is not only alarmingly dangerous, it violates the critical law that keeps the military completely separate from domestic law enforcement. Will you sign the petition demanding that U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis reject this illegal authorization of violence?
Sign the petition to reject the White House's illegal order authorizing troops to hurt or kill those simply seeking safety and asylum at the border.
This is one of the most horrific things the Trump administration has ever done. Active-duty troops authorized to shoot people seeking refuge at the southern border not only terrorizes migrant families, it erodes our rule of law and makes service members political pawns. This is not just terrifying; it's illegal, and we cannot allow it to happen.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
Thank you.
–Stephen Miles, Win Without War
"‘They Started Running’: Photograph of Children in Diapers Fleeing Tear Gas at the Border Sparks Anger," The New York Times, November 26, 2018
"White House approves use of force, some law enforcement roles for border troops," Military Times, November 21, 2018
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