Anonymous ID: b21469 Dec. 1, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.4104862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935


According to this sauce, Kissinger and his wife were blown up over the Atlantic returning from a secret trip to France and London in February 1979. He was replaced publicly in March.


"As I reported in Audio Letter No. 43, Dr. Henry Kissinger was to be the key man in the new Bolshevik power-group. Kissinger had conspired with others for Nelson Rockefeller's murder and was positioning himself to pick up the reins of Rockefeller power; but on February 5 the private jet carrying Henry and Nancy Kissinger with their five body guards from London to the United States disappeared over the North Atlantic. I can now reveal that the Kissinger jet suffered a mid-air explosion. The crippled airplane crashed into the sea at the navigational coordinates 54 degrees, 40 minutes, 57 seconds North; 26 degrees, 40 minutes, zero seconds West. No one escaped from the plane, the remnants of which sank in approximately 8,000 feet of water.


The exact fate of the Kissinger jet was not immediately known

last month but it did soon become obvious that Kissinger was gone for good. As a result, the Bolsheviks here in America were thrown into turmoil. The plans Kissinger had helped set in motion to dispose of the Rockefellers were carried forward.


Meanwhile, the ad hoc gang of four emerged as the guiding force of the secret new Bolshevik revolution here in America. These four men have only a small fraction of the power formerly wielded by the four Rockefeller brothers–but they are very dangerous men indeed! These men are: National Security chief ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, Treasury Secretary W. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL, Defense Secretary HAROLD BROWN, and Energy Secretary JAMES SCHLESINGER.


Together they are working feverishly toward a complete take-over of America's industry, banking, agriculture, EVERYTHING; and beyond that their goal is NUCLEAR WAR with Russia–an act of national suicide for the rest of us!


As of now, the Bolshevik coup d'etat–that is, the change in

ruling circles–has already been accomplished. What still lies

ahead is the full-fledged open revolution to transform American society as a whole into a Bolshevik HELL. Using the excuse of a deliberate war-crisis in the Middle East and resulting oil shortages, the Bolsheviks plan to start closing down American freedoms in a declared 'National Emergency.' From there the Bolshevik grip around our necks will steadily tighten, gradually choking and strangling us into total submission. As the last gasp of free air is squeezed from our lungs, the blackness of BOLSHEVIK DICTATORSHIP will gather itself around us. Then, those who have been content to 'Wait and See' will realize too late that IT CAN HAPPEN HERE."

Anonymous ID: b21469 Dec. 1, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.4104924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


After circling back then varying altitude at a rate between +/- 320 ft/min, the ADSB transmitter was turned off. Latest bearing was toward Shell Army Heliport or Lucas AHP west of Dothan. Observed UH-60 landing at Lucas last night. Prob not unusual as it is an Army Heliport.