you're right about this. and i'm somewhat sorry. however…
these threads have been absolute trash for a while now. i remember back in the good 'ole days when you could watch the thread fly by with good information and discussion, practically to the point that someone could post a this-thread-is-moving-so-fast-nobody-will-notice-if-i-post-this post. now, it's just image after image of absolute degeneracy with a quality or nostalgic meme sprinkled in here and there. The one-liner posts with a garbage ass pic abound. Jews and flat earth and some fucking space/time flexing graph and a dude stretching his asshole wide open is all i ever see, and it's repeated over and over. it's a fucking shill-a-thon 24/7. when q posts, it's a legit shill-a-thon with anons trying to actually discuss, but failing miserably as posts just get mixed into a sea of garbage. when q isn't posting, it's a nauseating shill-a-thon of posts designed to make legit anons dig into meaningless things. how many times have you seen a post and said "wtf is this?" only to go to look for yourself, stopping 15 minutes later to go "wtf am i doing? i just got shilled."
the thing is, i would love it if the worst we had to worry about was someone posting in the slow baker's oven (full disclosure, i don't and don't know how to bake). i might be a douche, but that is the fun we should be having. not the fun where legit anons clog up the effing bread with one-liner image-posting degeneracy. smarten up.