Anonymous ID: 68f3bb Dec. 1, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.4106272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6330 >>6441 >>6601 >>6722 >>6762

>>4105943 prev bread


Not really a dig, so much as the story on the red trees from spouseanon, worthwhile to share–

See the November 27 post with a really incredible photo album (notable maybe?) by Amelia Florist Wine & Gift Shop in Ohio:[0]=68.ARAB2txyv867dI8SYP9nFKxCcyOKRATwLtqwF1ZAerwEak9AZksNdkKvRRZEDllBnsLVrBsqfbKrzWUzxcOX_GbOGxHPf-nIuR9EqP_169GSrMffuYkkKVoy6wLbVlabUO7MwM9XZWIiz2aUkYykp0qoNNewraK-QENWb1WnLS3LorY3KjidKNGSVUyPO_4WbSKa4SDPqUQySgUGW46nNIwEI-ClAzZC6Zt8W4sI1X4eGmmhdLOrIw_-5uWMLn17WuYsJ3aLVT4UdjfotTUbGQ_XMWeuHEzGJBifXpJxYyCRwEwuF8SD5lznQlxtBRB8m9N_Jkc7uBKJ80O853Gq


Over 7000 people from all across the United States applied to be volunteers to help decorate for Christmas. Only 125 were chosen this year. Out of the 125 most were Gold Star Families or had military ties and the rest had a design background.


"This was one of my Masterpieces! 10 feet high this big one behind me. We pinned each and every one of these single little cluster of berries on one by one. It took hours! All of the styrofoam cones underneath had to be totally covered. We even had to go back and paint the silver pins each one with a red paint pen to cover the mechanics. I thought we would never get finished. We had 45 of these trees to cover and complete in 3 days. It's a miracle they turned out so perfect."




"I worked with this amazing Gold Star Mom. She lost her 22 year old son. He is buried in Arlington and his Birthday was when we were decorating this week. It was great that she was able to be here to help decorate and visit his grave. Dana is from Indiana and now helps with the Honor Flights from her home town."


God bless all our Gold Star families.

Anonymous ID: 68f3bb Dec. 1, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.4106503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Something good to do this month:


Join us on National Wreaths Across America Day

December 15, 2018


Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 1,400 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad.


Join us by sponsoring a veterans’ wreath at a cemetery near you, volunteering or donating to a local fundraising group.


List of national cemeteries: