Fox has 5 good shows/people
CNN for RINO’s
Everybody is not bad for if they were then nobody would be good.
Who you choose to follow others may disagree. Who do you listen on the Internet?
Get it.
With that attitude everybody’s divided.
Q Recommends this ^
Your an Idiot
I’m no fool.
I listen to anybody and I look both ways before across the street.
I bet you have some hard-core people you follow no matter what they say it’s gospel.
Like I said I don’t listen to anybody as gospel, but somehow he is a very good friend of President Trump your hero l, do you think he can’t judge character?
Nobody’s perfect and even your best friends disagree with some of your thoughts
They buy their own books up to make them number one, been to many rich peoples houses who have the whole garage full of crates of their books they wrote.
Old Tactic, But don’t think for a minute the New York Times wouldn’t lie for her Michael
4:29 in SoCal
I hope he doesn’t shut down the federal courts Wednesday is the big day
L is the 12th letter of the alphabet you fucking stupid fucking jack ass
He doesn’t say think mirror about anons, he says think mirror as the opposite of what you’re seeing or hearing or reading .
And yes that was a dumb thought
Someday I’ll be just as smart as you when I grow up.
Do you asshole