Anonymous ID: 0e6a68 Dec. 1, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.4108006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8117 >>8326 >>8354 >>8367

D.E.W. dig


The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) is hosting its annual Directed Energy Systems Symposium. In 2018, DEPS is partnering with the AOC to reach the broader Electronic Warfare (EW) and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) communities. The AOC is leading a Plenary Session and organizing a series of technical and policy presentations (see AOC Call for Papers). Visit for more information.

9/24/2018 to 9/28/2018

When: Monday, September 24, 2018


Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel

425 Water Street

Portsmouth, Virginia 22314

United States

Contact: Ken Miller


David Stoudt, Ph.D. - Senior Executive Advisor, Engineering Fellow for Directed Energy, Booz Allen Hamilton


Dr. David Stoudt is a Booz Allen Hamilton Senior Executive Advisor and Engineering Fellow for Directed Energy based in Dahlgren, Virginia. He provides scientific and business strategy and leadership to help advance the lethality, operational suitability, and acceptance of directed energy capabilities for the warfighter.


Prior to joining Booz Allen Hamilton, he served in the Department of the Navy (DON) for 32 years, the last 12 of which he held an executive position as the Navy’s first Distinguished Engineer for Directed Energy [ST position]. He has a proven track record of providing sound results-driven technical strategic leadership that led to the establishment of world-class directed-energy programs, personnel, and facilities at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia (NSWCDD). From 2008 through 2012, he was also the first NAVSEA Technical Authority Warrant for Directed Energy and Electric Weapon Systems, such as high-energy laser (HEL) weapon systems, the Electromagnetic Rail Gun Weapon System, high-power microwave (HPM) weapon systems, and the electromagnetic launch of weapons.


Among other honors, he was awarded the Navy Distinguished, Superior, and multiple Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, as well as the Naval Sea Systems Command Scientist of the Year Award. He received a B.S. (Summa Cum Laude), M.S., and Doctor of Philosophy, all in Electrical Engineering, from Old Dominion University. In 2018, Dr. Stoudt was elected to the Board of Directors, and serves as the President, of the Directed Energy Professional Society.

Speaking: November 28 - "High Energy Warfighting Applications"


DE Provisions in FY 18 Omnibus Bill

Posted By Amanda Crowe, Thursday, April 5, 2018

The FY 18 Omnibus was passed March 22nd and included provisions for DE. A lengthy summary on the total bill can be found here, on Sen. Heinrich's website: .


However, I have pulled out the DE specific passage from his press release below.


Directed Energy Rapid Prototyping — $70 million to expand on the important work being done at Kirtland’s Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate. The additional funds will accelerate the development of a directed energy weapon system on an aerial platform and upgrade aging, directed energy infrastructure at the High Energy Laser Test Facility such as the integration of a 300 Kilowatt High Energy Laser into the existing Demonstrator Laser Weapons System (DLWS) infrastructure for further testing. Numerous programs are ready to be taken from the research and development pipeline into production, and Directed Energy prototyping will enable these technologies developed at Kirtland Air Force Base to take the next step toward production and eventual fielding to support the warfighter. Directed Energy technologies, such as high energy microwaves and laser weapons, will eventually provide the Department of Defense (DOD) with new options to protect the United States and its military from threats, such as the proliferation of missile technologies and threats to space assets. In addition, it will provide DOD with a less destructive weapon, which can render enemy assets inoperable without destroying infrastructure and putting civilians at risk.


Overall, the spending agreement provides a significant increase of $158 million for accelerating the transition of Directed Energy systems to the military, including $88 million to accelerate a variety of high energy laser technology maturation initiatives for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.

Anonymous ID: 0e6a68 Dec. 1, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.4108346   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you go to the NTSB or FAA websites you may be able to find plane crash reports.

Whether these reports contain passenger manifests or not, I don't know.