>of course the hidden payseurs).
I'd go with "NO" to the "of course" the hidden payseurs.
Rothschild = Soros's funder.
Rothschild = father of Israel.
Rothschild = richest man / family in the world some 200 years ago.
I've never seen payseur in these conspiracy theories.
Most of them put Rothschild at the top.
There are some that put Queen of England and/or Beatrix of Holland at the top.
There are others that put the Pope, or the Vatican at the top.
The ones that mention the Pope or the Monarchs, generally don't mention the Banker Jews.
what's the link to everything that Q said about payseur?
I would think Pedos is the answer. We're trying to build a story. Not necessarily trying to explain in ultra fine detail the relationships among all humans.
We're making the argument that the deep state, the cabal, the jews, the illuminati, the occult satanist, Sabbatean-Frankists, are all Pedos.
That's been the argument. The world is controlled by Pedophiles, Satanist Pedophiles, Cannibal Pedophiles, Vampire Minerva Loving Pedophiles.
Here, I'll make a fact up that could be similar to something that is true. In 1818, 200 years ago, Rothschild, convened a meeting of the "Legion of Doom" and the first thing you had to do to be a member of the "Legion of Doom" was to have sex with a little kid in front of a whole bunch of people who can screw you if you try to screw them in the future, so, the idea is to have the shared secrets bind them together. That's made up but the part about at some point the decided that Pedophilia was going to bind them sounds true, and Rothschild being at or near the top of this also sounds true.
Global, centuries old, pedophilia network among the elites.
Rothschild most prominent, but he's not the only rich Jew banker. In the US, a key name from the last 150 years or so was Rockefeller. Surprised that a name like Payseur comes before Rockefeller, who have been extremely influential in the US for over 100 years. And that Bush name, which I guess we forget, because we're GOP, but on that CIA Deep State level, operationally, they've been at it 75+ years with Prescott Bush - Banker - helping Hitler. Other names - from Cornelius Vanderbilt to Anderson Cooper, CNN, CIA.
The right answers to Q's questions are often the simplest possible, and unless Q has been talking talking talking about something it's not going to be the answer to your question. The answer is often the headline. A question can be turned into a declaratory statement, and answer.
At least back in Oct-Nov 2017, I got the impression that the idea was to tell the facts, as if he was leaking information, but phrasing it in such a way that we're technically "figuring it out".