No more news
No more goncerns
No more merchants
No more famethots
No more retards
You can fire your niggardry from the tower of Wapo
But you can never strike Toots!
This is actually a great idea. The anti muhjooshill rhetoric is a pretty high priority around here.
And watching often reasonable Manlet Shapiro sperg out over Israel issues was a pretty big redpill for me along the way. Literally the only issue I've ever seen rile him up as much as Israel issues was the Nk peace summit. And i still have no idea why that one triggered that little faggot so much.
The idea of embedded little shits who parrot they're perception of /our/ party line except for the one issue they're paid to manipulate needs to be accepted and understood.
Let's play a game, everyone.
Which poster in this thread is in this picture? Winner gets this Toots.