Frog anons. Can anyone cooberate?
This goof is talking about the large mobile workforce that makes their living travelling to and from remote worksites in Canadas western provinces. These workers are typically oil and gas workers and construction workers that are flown in from all over Canada to man these projects. That was until recently as junior has just about succeded shutting down the Canadian heavy oil industry and is trying to pass legislation that will impose so many regulatory controls on pipelines that it will be next to impossible to get any built to tidewater to export Canadian crude anywhere, junior is a fucked up femnazi who, in typical "progressive" fashion is trying to blame the ills of Canadian society on, you guessed it, white males. I was one of those workers he is referring too for many years. I made my living working out of the gulags that pass for remote camp accommodation. Funny thing, females also work in these camps and on these jobs and gender disparity has almost disappeared over the last 20 years or so so junior is blowing smoke out of his femnazi ass. I am willing to bet Sophie (his wife) is the pitcher in the family…… His father Pierre was a pedo named in Cathy Obriens
book.. and his mother was a high class hooker slut who hung with the Stones and Castro. Betting MK Ultra beta sex slave. So no wonder boy blunder is so fucked up. Thing that pisses me off is that he is actively shutting down the oil industry in Canada at the behest of his radical environmental backers (Tides Canada, Greenpeace, Sierra club financed by our fave villain Soros) and now he is attacking the very workers in that industry. Election is less than a year away. Let us hope that the Canucks who voted for this sack of merde` and the rest of these Muslim loving cabalists will see the error of their ways in vote in a more moderate globalist party in the Conservatives next election. Shit show Turdo has to go….