Q drops 2505 - 2507 Timestamp decodes
For all the doubt-fags, I have included a screen dump of the spread sheet I am working off, so you can see exactly what I have done and will explain how I got there.
Firstly let me say, that the timecode analysis for the past week or so has been stepped up a notch.
Prior to this, it was a matter of looking at the timestamps and times (deltas) between postings and from that data, searching for that data in the Q drop database and then verifying that each post was valid by verifying the Timecode on the Q-drop (after the search term had been omitted).
Now Q is actively employing modifications to the timestamps as a means of disinfo and hiding the true message from the casual observer.
For example Q2505 was posted at 21:27:58, 1d 15:26:13 after previous Q drop.
1 d 15hr = 39hrs, so time between this and last Q post was 39:26:13.
By taking the intra-delta, it becomes (39-26):(26-13) = 13:13, which happens to be a mirror code.
If we do not employ the mirror code on original timestamp, we get DISINFO.
eg 21:27:58 = 6:31
Searching for 6:31 in Q-drops yields 2 results - Q1387/Q45 - both designed to distract.
But if we employ the mirror code:
21:27:58 = 21:58:27 = 37:31
Searching for 37:31 yields Q1164 with posting time = Apr 15 2018 23:37:31
Confirmation code is whats left after search term removed, 23:37:31, in this case 23.
Searching for code 23 in other nearby data then is used to verify that this post is the one that was intended in the first place.
In this case, 23 was found in Delta between drops (last column), verifying that this was a valid Q drop.
The other Q drop identified was Q323 TC22 but this couldn’t be verified so was ignored.
Now the same thing was done for Q2506 and Q2507, both yielding one result each Q158 (TC02) and Q2433 (TC02) respectively.
So the Q drops that Q is highlighting as important at this time are Q1164, Q158 and Q2433.
They do not go to all this trouble to show us the plan, without good reason.
I am just here to explain the process and decipher the timestamps, you people more in the know are better at determining the relevance behind all this.
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Also for interest sake, I referred to 3:2:1 countdown, earlier from time between Q posts 39:26:13.
Look down final column of the delta between drops data … theres that 321 again.
321 … the countdown to Monday [D]ec 3 I mentioned in >>4097672
That’s not there by sheer coincidence!
It’s drawing closer - enjoy the movie.