Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.410944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120 >>1137 >>1337 >>1349



Attended mostly by indigenous people…what has the "state" or cabal ALWAYS done to indigenous people? WIPE OUT OUR ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE…poison minds and souls, steal and force their children into state or residential schools..force them to "forget" their language ban their clothing and traditions…why? WHY are they so afraid of us?






white people LIE about what Ghost Dance was about…you don't stand a chance against my prayer, you don't stand a chance against my love…we SHALL live again.


Today is a good day to die!



Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.411013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1145 >>1156 >>1316


>This anon’s despair came NOT about the Great Awakening happening, but whether the transition period will prove too much and if it is not too much, can we really change to the new way?


>We have all lived as slaves, including the demented, spiritual retards playing out the last gasp of planetary evil, for generations. How will we drop all of our bullshit concepts, handed to us all our lives like letter bombs, and learn to use our true power effectively, when the death cult has almost ELIMINATED any useful examples of victorious living for us to model??!


This ANON's despair is from knowing YOU don't believe the GREAT AWAKENING applies to YOU..that YOU need to look in the mirror and ask yourself…what if everything I beLIEve is a lie….you can't do that….and you won't do it…once you strip away the beLIEfs of others are you willing to see and deal with and let go of your own?


Right now you're all happy to point out the splinter in your neighbor's eye….but ignore the log in your own.


RIGHT NOW this movement has power…but eventually if you don't deal with your OWN shit…you won't…you just won't. YOU will double down just like the libtards are. You can't…you will hold on until the bitter end.


WHY have you been so easily controlled?


What are YOUR hooks you are unwilling to let go of?


Why can't YOU adopt a neutral position and work from "I don't know"?


MIND control comes in many many different forms…what scares YOU what makes you feel uncomfortable..the minute you begin to might not be true?

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.411114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1139


>Eve took the first red pill

and woke up…allegory story…very clever introduction..UP is DOWN and DOWN is UP…GOOD is EVIL and EVIL is GOOD. UPSIDE DOWN…the victor writes the story.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.411142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why does Q call is NO SUCH AGENCY?



it is a bit of a pleasure watching the young ones discover Cooper or MKUltra..and learning about things…us oldfags have known about for a very long time…we're not alone anymore..there is power in numbers…but perhaps maybe check yourself next time you scream BOOMER…we were born of soldiers who died for this country…we who are here have always know things you are just now discovering. Welcome to the fight…there is strength in numbers.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.411254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1272


>Just know that this sorta white guy, has your back.


Maybe, maybe not...there's a reason your lot tried to wipe out our spirituality and FORCE white religion on us. Most of you won't like the answer....that's when the attack on US will start...again...


OUR existence and ancient knowledge..memories of the time before time...threatens all you beLIEve in...but thanks for the support.....for now.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.411262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


macor / micro, as above so below…


but don't get stuck on the current arrangement, we've never forgotten…but science is just now wondering…planetary displacement theory…kek..not a theory.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.411286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> target time for the UK

first they crowd sourced they're crowd sourcing safety and taking control of the "plan"…they can't act with all eyes on them…what was planned for Superbowl could not happen in the LIGHT…what is planned for UK cannot happen in the light…at least not where we're looking…they can't risk us saying HA we told you…they'll want to make us look like alarmfags while they regroup and come up with a different plan..perhaps plan2 is already in effect…look here not there…but the light keeps them from acting..think cave creatures scurry when light comes on.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.411345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1372


> IN is OUT. Look inward for the truth of the universe and for God.


I AM (the two most powerful words in any langauge)


I AM within you and without lift up a rock and I AM there. (SGOThomas…aka zen Jeebus).


"Greater things than these shall YE (YOU) do…"


"there is power…in the BLOOD"


what was Jehovah ordering HIS children…to kill…why tell HIS children…to go about murdering everyone…


jealousy..he did say he was jealous…


archetypal battle…then and now.


I think my post about MIRROR IS YOU…is a direct call for ANON to look inward…confront themselves and their own beLIEfs…address the log in their own eye…but…you witness their panic and reaction (get thee behind me satan) automatic panic reaction…NO NO NO..not ME…mind control…hooks..what hook is in YOUR mouth? Spit it out. Free yourself.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 1 p.m. No.411385   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Life is circular..the ego of man has set himself above the law of nature..not once has man ever "won"…which entity told man they were in control of nature? Was that the original lie?


Our efforts to control the earth have ended in her purging us…over, and over, and over…disaster after disaster…manipulation of food, manipulation of energy, manipulation of air..water, fire….and earth…has never ended well and yet the original lie..keeps them trying.


We remember. We've never forgotten. Law of Nature has not ever ever been overcome by Natural Law.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.411502   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I didn't fuck up nothin.

are you still pushing the asshattery of your ancestors down everyone's throats…


and indigenous people are not now nor were they ever perfect beings…but there is a reason why your lot worked so very hard to delete us. FEAR.


YOU taught us to hate you…but no one forced the bottle into their mouths…finding and exploiting a weakness…for control and manipulation (most treaties were signed by drunk Indians)…what are YOUR hooks? WHY do Indians continue to walk in despair…why are they still drunks? Why do some reservations tolerate the catholic cult houses on them? MIND control…it's not just for white people.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.411561   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>projecting THEIR log into other's eyes,

yes, that's what my post was about…watching from 40K…despair..hoping…but watching the rejection of the "I" and abject rejection of personal very unpopular now. Casting outward the "I"..doubling down…refusing to answer one simple question…


what beLIEf do YOU carry that causes you instant panic and fear…causes YOU to rush to defend it the second anyone challenges it.


That's your hook.


come from a space of neutrality..the center, balance… (how did Cain "fight" in Kung Fu?) if something is true it needs no defense. The truth is its own defense…so why so many people fighting..the eternal construct and division comes from the "I"'s inability to look in the mirror and see the "I" in you. People defend from a place of fear, not from a place of truth. People react, filter and FIGHT…not because they are strong, but because they are weak.

Anonymous ID: a36482 Feb. 17, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.411624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Nonwhites have taught me to be racist,

everyone is racist. to deny this is to admit to having swallowed the hook. Who taught Natives to hate them? Who cried WAAA when Natives slaughtered back…what began a cycle of mutual slaughter?


beLIEfs in superiority and rightness..who TOLD the invaders they were superiour and right? People won't fight unless they believe they're right. What were they fighting for?


>Rather than trying to change everyone else


that's exactly what I'm saying…the MIRROR is YOU…self…be the change you want to see…examine what YOU believe and your feelings about what you would do, and how you would feel…if everything YOU believe turned out to be a lie..after all, that's what you are asking THEM to do.