Anonymous ID: c50732 Armageddon – Don’t Be Late! (1) Feb. 17, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.410834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The conclusive battle for the minds and spirits of all those inhabiting a human temple.


The Game of Avatars


“Please Mother, I’d rather do it myself!” – classic TV commercial for painkillers (Bayer? Excedrin?)


This early mind control example, a textbook application of the techniques of E. Bernays, illustrates a fundamental exploit in subduing the mind:

Show the trappings of an intolerable situation and then offer the easy solution of a drug.


This is effective because our egos identify at a deep level with the assertion of our individual will, against the pressure of peers, parents and even against the will of the soul operating our avatar! This latter case is where we are at risk.


How did this ongoing union between the physical and the higher dimensions (or the spiritual) get to be such a mystery game at this moment in time, when thousands of teachers, prophets and higher beings have brought us the truth, time and time again?


Answer: Adversaries all the way down! (reference to Sagan: “Turtles, all the way down!”)


Our ordinary consciousness in the human body temple starts with a clean blank slate, which then becomes encrusted with erroneous and sabotaging beliefs inoculated from the death culture of the world around us.


If we are fortunate, we get instruction from parents and peers, about how to form our own decisions with critical thinking and how to make our choices balance between the needs of others and the needs of our spirits to grow to their true nature.


If these instructions come from direct personal experience with faith in the transcendent unseen dimensions, active truth seekers who found the Christ beyond time and space and strive to relate to this limitless being from their limited minds, then we are truly blessed, if we but seize the gift!


Against this deep natural instinct, to reconnect with the Whole after being dumped into a limited partial consciousness, we have the usual list of suspects:

Those who think they own Lifeboat Earth and after successfully tricking generations of deluded slaves into building out the technology that drastically cuts the need for human labor, were almost ready to severely cull “their herd”.

Anyone who truly has received the good news that believers in the victorious Christ have all the power required to evaporate evil in the light of the new day, has by now, found the catch:

The psychology of the humanimal is highly suggestible and vulnerable to subliminal sabotage, UNLESS, the mind is on guard, watching all the time.


Just as barnacles attach to the hulls of water craft, so do vampire ideas/memes/conceptual prisons graft themselves onto our minds, clogging our Mind’s Eye, messing with our mechanism!


So, on top of the ordinary peer pressure, from self-deluding zombies, we now face the full, in-your-face hyper-selfish agenda of those who need to disempower and mentally defeat the masses, before they can dispose of them with convenience to them!


The MEdiaMatrix is the primary weapon, with content providing only distraction and depression, but the very transmission protocols create carriers for mind-killing, weaponized doubt bombs to be superimposed, spreading self-destructive patterns subliminally!


How do we maintain a spirit higher than the material dross surrounding us WITHOUT giving the ego too many ideas?!


All those truly digging into the seemingly endless supply of rabbit-holes, have seen what endarkened minds will get down to, when they perceive they are part of an irresistible gang, and have unlimited time and money!


From a sufficiently transcendent perspective, what we see in our research becomes non-threatening but can be seen as merely a pathetic, tragically stupid waste of life, striving to serve the Destroyer for a few ego strokes which fade away into the darkness once that minion’s usefulness has expired.


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Anonymous ID: c50732 Armageddon – Don’t Be Late! (2) Feb. 17, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.410840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954 >>1013 >>1551

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However, as we are all sharing this earth with caustic evil doers at this time, are rational minds have concerns about counter measures and protections.


This anon had allowed a few critical self-disempowering beliefs to pollute the comm channel with the spirit driving this humanimal avatar, of which, ego is only an operational construct.


At this critical time, while monitoring /pol/ then /cbts/ then /8ch/ for the last 4 months plus, this mind began to lose altitude, from an already barn-storming low altitude level, to seriously scraping the earth!


Wrote this off as the subject matter causing this reaction at first. However, the overwhelming emotional churning began to be life threatening, so looking hard at my spiritual armor, noticed many chinks in it!


Though raised in blessed believer circumstances, never really bought the human religion ritual part, only embraced and incorporated the infinitely valuable keys to humanimal psychology which are still available, despite scriptural corruption, to those who ask for discernment and wait upon the Universe to answer.


BUT, by NOT praying enough, not opening up to higher-mind influence, by deluding the ego that human-level effort, even when rightly informed, could possibly be sufficient against the entrenched evil we face, this avatar’s mind had taken on some evil ballast and was sinking…


Subtle acceptance of imminent demise was one of the bombs attached to my heart!

But an entire suite of slimy, self-destructive memes had slipped in, riding on a wave of despair.


This anon’s despair came NOT about the Great Awakening happening, but whether the transition period will prove too much and if it is not too much, can we really change to the new way?


We have all lived as slaves, including the demented, spiritual retards playing out the last gasp of planetary evil, for generations. How will we drop all of our bullshit concepts, handed to us all our lives like letter bombs, and learn to use our true power effectively, when the death cult has almost ELIMINATED any useful examples of victorious living for us to model??!


Solution: Direct prayer. Cleared away the psychological cobwebs but also: by removing the chinks in the psychological armor, the pressure from external vectors ALSO vanished! This secondary effect was a very pleasant surprise, even though we know that transcendent power can morph the projection AT ITS SOURCE!


Question: Does your current mindset ALLOW the possibility that human/demon fuckery can be pushed away by a shining confident attitude, powered by prayer to the Source of ALL?


If not, NOW is the time to scrape away from your mind any believed bullshit which is weighing you down and would prevent higher power from flowing through your humanimal avatar.


All those under the conceit that knowledge, even completely accurate and comprehensive knowledge, is sufficient protection from ill intentions, will find, hopefully after less than harrowing lessons, that until we learn to wield REAL power, the pure, direct will of the Almighty, channeled gracefully through our individual avatars, evil can enter.


This is due to the duality of our nervous system and its architecture: doubt may defeat the faithful conception we are holding up, from without or from within. Even if we have means and time to address EVERY external contingency, unless we guard our minds constantly, a sabotaging meme can slip by our defenses, while we pay attention somewhere else.


This is where leveraging our birthright as beloved creations of the Creator come in: instead of always trying to do it ourselves, to do it our way, to learn the hard way, there are times when we are far wiser to ask for Divine attention, to borrow the power of Divine Light to evaporate evil under the Sun.


1 Survive the storm

2 Remain calm for ourselves and those around us

3 Learn an ENTIRELY new way of living, only hinted at in sacred scripture and transcendent literature.


What a timeline!

Anonymous ID: c50732 Feb. 17, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.411316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1336 >>1561


Hope you enjoyed your ad hominem ego dominance larp, anon!


The exultant tone indicates a vampire spirit rides along…


Always the busybodies projecting THEIR log into other's eyes, misinterpreting what they read to serve the superficial agenda of the ego. Check yourself for implants, anon