Anonymous ID: e3eae5 Going in harm's way. Feb. 17, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.411446   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Heavenly Father, we know you have blessed our Heroes with courageous hearts, quick minds, and serene spirits, and we pray together knowing You will protect everyone serving in harm’s way. You are blessing our Armed Forces, whom are ready to offer their talents, and if necessary their lives, for the cause of Freedom, Truth, Justice, and Liberty.


We know You will keep them close to You in every way and touch their hearts, full of Your Spirit to know, with their faith in You, they have Your strength, power, and protection, even in difficult circumstances, and they shall shine as true witnesses to Your Goodness, Love, and Compassion.


And finally, we know as they stand brave and firm in Your Word and Your Spirit that you will bring them safely back to us, and to their homes and families.