considering what was stolen for decades, the anon has a point, at least 50% of my income is confiscated every year
Sheeple have moved past the latter, central banks are buying gold like crazy. Don't let them fool you, gold is money.
Never read the book, but it is probably important, to see what they are thinking. If I remember correct Art Laffer was in the Reagan admin, and Stephan Moore is a staple on CNBC and Fox Business.
Yep the most influential person in all of history with a message of love and compassion. Maybe you need to find a mind.
Sorry anon, the greatest love possible. Karl Marx and followers didn't lay their lives down, Jesus did.
We got complete freedom anon. The most perfect freedom, even though the world is shit I can be at peace. Before I knew about Q, I was resigned to this country becoming some fascist shithole, but I still had peace. Evil is a product of humanity, not God.
No, you are wrong. Almost every culture in the world has a flood story, and a fall of man story in the Garden. Every culture remembers these things, and stuff has changed over the centuries, but the basic elements of the stories are the same. Humans were originally monotheistic, but that became corrupted into polytheism.