Shhhhh…….don't tell anyone
There is probably a more pressing reason that Q and Trump want that boarder wall, other than the illegals, drugs and child trafficking IMO. Those issues have always been with us, including voter fraud that comes with it.
Something wicked this way comes.
The whole world wants in now (go figure, after the msm calls this a racist, Nazi nation)but I believe Q wants the wall to repel more than migrants.
invaders. Real ones.
I don't believe the military already down there will be leaving. Orders were given for use of deadly force. Something in the works for when SHTF
A nation can suffer it's fools, but will never survive treason from within. The real danger for now is already here besides the terrorists. The leaders, from both sides, the msm,even some in military.
Read Brian cates twitter @drawandstrike from 5 hours or so ago. He explains how the media and deep state will drive us to civil war if need be to protect BO, Hildog and the rest. It has been building for 2 years already. Stay frosty patriot
You must smell really bad then. Hope you know how to defend yourself with a mouse and keyboard
Platitudes for a dead president