It must be obvious now that May is trying to stealthily create an excuse to have no Brexit.
Vote goes through. Not Brexit, no trade deals. Won't go through.
No deal then?
Nope. They will attempt to delay Brexit, EU will agree. Won't work, there will be civil unrest.
Wait. Civil unrest? Like on the continent?
Arab spring?
Ring any bells?
They WANT civil unrest.
This is the PLAN.
They want war with Russia or civil unrest.
Both sides are walking towards this.
What can stop this?
DECLAS will show the PLAN was always:
War or unrest. Never Brexit.
All the heads will try and get immunity be it through being diplomats or positions at the UN. Think Helen Clark and her high crimes.
When it all comes out, the people of the world will demand life in prison or execution.