Just watched a video of a former satanist (on neon revolt) stating the 1000 points of light refers to the thousand illuminati or luciferians in a global network who rule the world. [ Each is likely a demoniac.] And that is why they can undertake their evil activities in such a rapid coordinated manner.
Is it possible the strange seismic event which rippled across the globe on November 11, 2018 corresponded to Bush Sr's death and the energy field of the Earth was partially restored?
Goodnight Anon.
Is he a grand master mason?
Thanks Anon
Sorry already taken. No homo.
Looks like she was puking and her privacy was invaded by a rude boyfriend.
likely helper anons
The gynaecology board is over ———–→
Bush Sr. on his way to his eternal resting place.
AP is owned by the Rothschilds
No, just an observation. They like to push particular narratives. Like the Broward County Sheriff's badge proclaimed "Question the Narrative"
This Larry King is not the CNN Larry King, but a black individual.
There are good and bad in each ethnic group. Cain killed his good brother Abel.
The USSC needs to hire new tailors and photographers. They need a bit of silk and polish.
Q is everywhere!
Try the high fat (healthy fats) ketogenic diet. No sugar, no grains, low carb – lots of good veggies. Also try metal detox (natural approaches – for example, spirulina, cilantro, certain herbs). The aluminum being showered on us each day by geo-engineering (chemtrails) causes neurological problems including dementia/ Alzheimers. All the best Anon.
Keto diet also has healthy meats and bone broth etc. Check the diet out on various websites and look for Keto support groups or people in your area. Breaks from electronics is also a good idea as the Anon suggested.
I remember a similar set of activities I was asked to choose when I finished my work early and the other kids were still working on their normal class work.
Trudeau: "Diversity is our strength".