im going to assume you dont engrish very well .
so tell your Israeli commander that your shilling
has been found out and ask not to be ass raped
by a Muslim
im going to assume you dont engrish very well .
so tell your Israeli commander that your shilling
has been found out and ask not to be ass raped
by a Muslim
wait are you that dumb nigger on jew tube who post those vid of you doing that ssn CQV trust … i hope you enjoy your time in a fuckin max fed pen. go glow some where you you shitskin fuckwit.
yes deflection is the only weapon you have now.. no one wants your ignorant shit here and you are contributing to nothing.
did some one scrape their zipper for any lip from you ?
you are a complete fucking moron to think that
the money in those trust are yours but i hope
you enjoy big black dick b/c that is where your headed with that CQV trust, it isn't your money
you fuck wit .
you really don't how deflection works .i called you a kike and you deflected. simple . now take your glowing ass back to youtube.