Anon, in regards to your description of "memories" being digitally downloaded/uploaded…I have a question (you may or may not have the answer; I was born between 1977 and 1979 (so not "old", per say) but I literally cannot recall approximately 85-90% of my life. I'm not into heavy/illicit drugs, alcohol or anything like that….so where are my memories going?? Strange question, I know.
Serious answer-not that I can recall.
It's so weird, but I can only recall photograph-like snippets of a memory/circumstance….but it's like I can barely remember most of my life. I suppose there may have been situations (of which I can only recall fragments) where I made a foolish choice and something awful very likely could have happened, like being killed, and perhaps narrowly avoiding serious car accidents now and then…but beyond that….not that i recall.
No head trauma, almost definitely PTSD (but more so post-adolescent & adult than childhood…but that was no picnic either (again, based on what little I remember)…not sure about the chemical imbalance though.
Thank you, anon. I know my "childhood years" were far from healthy; I was in the GATE program from 2nd grade through 8th (when I started worrying about anything other that school & grades)…but I am sure that my relationship with my parents has had an awful, indelible impression on me and how I form relationships with people to this day. Actually, I gave up-I am a complete loner isolated from everyone and everything but my overnight job.
Same here. For the longest time it was my long-term memory that had evaporated, but over the past 10 years-and especially so in the last 5-my short-term memory is blitzed…I cannot hold a thought in my head for 2 seconds most days. I start trying to explain something to someone and then I veer off on a tangent (often multiple tangents) and cannot even recall the point of what I was trying to explain…and I can't get it back (my point) even when I try and concentrate. It's reached a very scary level at this point.
It's much, much more than inconsequential shit, anon….way more.
No. Have only smoked weed twice in my life and the last time was almost a decade ago. Some on this board might say I don't smoke enough weed.
I will say the cover of that book is very familiar, as are the headphones. Mind you, I was IQ tested at age 4…so…it's been a WHILE.
Looking at that book cover makes me feel uneasy but I don't recall its content. What is it about?
Thank you, anon…sleep well.
Floridafag here…was called "gifted program" in my time there as well.