Macron has threatened to declare Emergency state, which is purely "marketing", because since the last muslims attacks en France, emergency state has fallen in the usual law that rules the country (something like your Patriot Act, but at lower scale = same pattern).
Some starts to think that Macron let the yellow jackets go far enough in order to get full power (which was already, but not official) Again, same pattern..
Obviously most of the degradation could have been avoided, many things had been left in the streets that could be used by yellow jackets to destroy and set fires, there's some shit here.
Anyway something is deeply broken in France between people and power. Most of the people are awake, not that they know all what is known here on 8Chan, but everybody feel something is deeply wrong in our democracy.
Not putting words on something which worry you permanently makes you violent because it's the only way to evacuate it and release the pressure, that's what happen.
Surprisingly, meanwhile all this happen, muslims are very quiet :-) Not a bad thing they can see that French people still have some fighting ressources.