I wish there could be a way to laugh about this with you, someday. My gawd. They're so not-sexy it hurts. Really. It hurts. Then, again, like you said, it could make them the best ever. Ha!
But, for the record, I really do appreciate everyone's contribution to the MEME boards. We never know how much it took for someone to make, even the simplest meme. It could be someone who is paralyzed and using a straw to blow his text onto a picture. It doesn't really matter, if I get it or not; it could be the tiny spark that ignites the powder keg. Still, you have to be tough-skinned, when you're in the shit.
Or is it?
Shavin's! I got ahead of meself.
Ezra Cohen-Watnik: Stealth Elf
link to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
Oops. Reagan approved the implementation of this defense technology.>>4205908
https:// fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/elf.htm
Really? What the fuck is wrong with you? You probably tell little kids that there's no Santa Claus, too, don't you. Roasting a particular meme, okay, but your personal attack only shows people how messed up you are. But go ahead, be an evil faggot.
We've been asked to help the yellow vests with supporting-memes. #WWG1WGA WW