Why is Vice Admiral Scott Stearney dead?
MSM is throwing suicide out but no note.
Was Scott comp'd and taken out by blackhats?
Was Scott a bad guy and executed by whitehats as a message?
Why is Vice Admiral Scott Stearney dead?
MSM is throwing suicide out but no note.
Was Scott comp'd and taken out by blackhats?
Was Scott a bad guy and executed by whitehats as a message?
Still pissed GHWB wasn't strapped to a table and put down. That piece of shit deserved to die a horrid death for all the people that suffered and died in the fake wars he started.
If y’all havent read this…..
Agreed. Election fraud doesn’t seem to be a very big concern, at least not optically, with the Republican Party. However, the public is pissed & not seeing any recourse. Pissing off voters isn’t a good idea.
Robert Tosh Plumlee reminds me of Corsi. Reeks a fake…