Repost from (pb) and sure seems to be alot of twats of "concrete" from blue checks and political/social accounts…
Evil is a false dichotomy and they taught you this in your Jesuit school…
Service to self?
Service to others?
All that matters now toots….
3/4 are DJT…is that about how the op feels?
yes it does…
anon..while no sauce my almonds are tingling that all these folks are related…certainly by mission if not by blood…
They are surrendering…just sayin'…that is what is happening right now…
no shit…why so curious GHWB…
and some on this board sure do not want this path walked…
GHWB bigger than you know…
GHWB executed…
This shill a GCHQ+ team…
plus his humble beginnings…
>1: Do you think HW's death delays LL, Comey, Huber's testimonies this coming week?
GHWB executed on our clock…
I found it notable…just sayin'….
RBG…I already have her though…
Just chatty…been around awhile..been at this forever…JFK a big event..really big for boomers…tons of smoke around JFKJr still being alive…photos even…so, any tie to that I would consider notable if properly sourced…
please kindly fuck off…who makes you the arbiter of what is posted here and how it is posted? Free speech board fellow anon…and please review my chatty body of work this am before you judge…
Syria/NoName/Soros…just sayin' (in my chatty way…)