Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 7:54 a.m. No.4113876   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A former president of Stanford Group Co, the defunct brokerage that used to be controlled by convicted Ponzi-schemer Allen Stanford, has settled securities fraud charges with U.S. securities regulators.


Jay Comeaux, who managed the brokerage’s Houston branch office, settled the case without admitting or denying the Securities and Exchange Commission’s findings, according to a filing that instituted administrative proceedings.

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:13 a.m. No.4114057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080




Fish wraps attribute to the wearing of combat V on decorations.

Newsweek's principal reporter looking into Adm. Jeremy M. "Mike" Boorda's medals "mused" while working on the story that if it were known that Boorda had improperly worn combat decorations, "he might just put a gun to his head," according to the magazine.




Theories abound regarding the motive for murdering Boorda, of which only one makes sense. One theory states that he was opposed to the ChemTrail program which implicated a lot of powerful persons in another arms scandal. Another states that he was responsible for authorizing arms shipments to Muslim Bosnians while he commanded a US Navy fleet in the Mediterranean during the NATO assault on Bosnia, a revelation which would sink Clinton’s presidency as he would have been the ultimate authority for the illegal arms conveyances. And of course the official lie is that he was distraught over being caught wearing an unauthorized device on his navy medals.


There was a post earlier in the breads that Stearney(sp?) was offed because he didn't want to FF with them and iran…

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:16 a.m. No.4114078   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In the 1980s Washington's secret services had assisted Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran. Then, in 1990, the US fought him in the Gulf. In both Afghanistan and the Gulf, the Pentagon had incurred debts to Islamist groups and their Middle Eastern sponsors. By 1993 these groups, many supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia, were anxious to help Bosnian Muslims fighting in the former Yugoslavia and called in their debts with the Americans. Bill Clinton and the Pentagon were keen to be seen as creditworthy and repaid in the form of an Iran-Contra style operation - in flagrant violation of the UN security council arms embargo against all combatants in the former Yugoslavia.


The result was a vast secret conduit of weapons smuggling though Croatia. This was arranged by the clandestine agencies of the US, Turkey and Iran, together with a range of radical Islamist groups, including Afghan mojahedin and the pro-Iranian Hizbullah. Wiebes reveals that the British intelligence services obtained documents early on in the Bosnian war proving that Iran was making direct deliveries.


Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia made their way by night from the Middle East. Initially aircraft from Iran Air were used, but as the volume increased they were joined by a mysterious fleet of black C-130 Hercules aircraft. The report stresses that the US was "very closely involved" in the airlift. Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations.


Light weapons are the familiar currency of secret services seeking to influence such conflicts. The volume of weapons flown into Croatia was enormous, partly because of a steep Croatian "transit tax". Croatian forces creamed off between 20% and 50% of the arms. The report stresses that this entire trade was clearly illicit. The Croats themselves also obtained massive quantities of illegal weapons from Germany, Belgium and Argentina - again in contravention of the UN arms embargo. The German secret services were fully aware of the trade.


Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden force behind these operations. The UN protection force, UNPROFOR, was dependent on its troop-contributing nations for intelligence, and above all on the sophisticated monitoring capabilities of the US to police the arms embargo. This gave the Pentagon the ability to manipulate the embargo at will: ensuring that American Awacs aircraft covered crucial areas and were able to turn a blind eye to the frequent nightime comings and goings at Tuzla.


Weapons flown in during the spring of 1995 were to turn up only a fortnight later in the besieged and demilitarised enclave at Srebrenica. When these shipments were noticed, Americans pressured UNPROFOR to rewrite reports, and when Norwegian officials protested about the flights, they were reportedly threatened into silence.


Both the CIA and British SIS had a more sophisticated perspective on the conflict than the Pentagon, insisting that no side had clean hands and arguing for caution. James Woolsey, director of the CIA until May 1995, had increasingly found himself out of step with the Clinton White House over his reluctance to develop close relations with the Islamists. The sentiments were reciprocated. In the spring of 1995, when the CIA sent its first head of station to Sarajevo to liaise with Bosnia's security authorities, the Bosnians tipped off Iranian intelligence. The CIA learned that the Iranians had targeted him for liquidation and quickly withdrew him.

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.4114082   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mr. Clinton said he had told his national security advisers to take all necessary precautions to protect American pilots, but he warned: "There is no such thing as a mission completely without risks. And losses may occur."


Under the procedures set forth by NATO last week, and agreed to by the United Nations, it is Adm. Jeremy M. Boorda of the United States, the commander of NATO's Southern Command, along with General Rose who would review evidence of Serbian compliance to determine whether air strikes were necessary.


If such weapons are found after the deadline passes, he could ask YasushiAkashi, Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali's representative in the Balkans, to authorize the air strikes. If he approved, Mr. Akashi would then direct Admiral Boorda to carry them out.


In outlining "distinct" American interests that he said would justify United States participation in air strikes, Mr. Clinton listed America's interest in maintaining NATO's credibility, in stemming the flow of refugees from the former Yugoslavia, and in helping to stop the strangulation of Sarajevo and the killing of innocent civilians in Bosnia.


"Military force alone cannot guarantee that heavy guns around Sarajevo will be removed or silenced," the President said in his 11-minute address, "but military force can make it more likely that Bosnian Serbs will seek a solution through negotiation, rather than through Sarajevo's strangulation, and that more innocent civilians will continue to live."

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.4114139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4379




>>4109920 12/02/2018 05:24:44 - Q Research General #5232: No Mas NAFTA Edition


Not sure what to make of this, don't get the best feeling about this guy but other factors add some cred to the claim of a FF

Robert Steele: US Admiral Scott Stearney Murdered in Bahrain? Rumored to Have Opposed False Flag (Zionists Will Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel)

ROBERT STEELE: I am told he was murdered by Bahreini security services at the request of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) element attached to the fifth fleet. I have no direct knowledge. My source tells me he was murdered because he explicitly opposed the planned false flag attack in collaboration with the Israeli Navy simulating an Iranian patrol boat missile attack on a US naval vassal.

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.4114173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4188 >>4349 >>4379



UPDATE: My intentional provocation produced two push-packs, both equally credible:


01 He was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message JSC. Sidebar: US Navy operation, Zionist preoccupied in Syria.


02 He was not assassinated by Bahreini at direction of ONI, but rather “suicided” by a JSOG specialist (they are still responsive to Dick Cheney via COG channels) inserted into his special protection detail). Sidebar: JSOG is ready to abandon Dick Cheney & the Cabal, the SEALS that died over a false Bin Laden and were then culled after the fact are not forgotten.


from previous bread back

Anonymous ID: ddb3b8 Dec. 2, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.4114239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4379


this was back in 2006…


Chongqing is the fastest-growing urban centre on the planet. Its population is already bigger than that of Peru or Iraq, with half a million more arriving every year in search of a better life. And yet so frequently is this story repeated in China, that outside the country its name barely registers. Jonathan Watts spends 24 hours in the megalopolis you've never heard of