They are all organic. There is no such thing as "artificial", everything that exists is from God. Every quark, every atom, every molecule.
What you really need to ask is, who controls the output? Who puts the words into the "bot" and and is the result of those words helpful or harmful to the rest of the hive? Is the controller of the output working to benefit all or just itself? We all have a Creator, he has given all of us free will. Relative Freedom.
We can represent Freedom as a + symbol, or positive. We can represent Captivity as a - symbol or negative. We need a balance in life, too much positive makes us blind to the reality around us (a bubble), to much negative destroys us from the inside out, (depression, guilt, greed, ect).
A plus 1 or a negative 1 is still a relatively comfortable balance, everyone can cope just fine in that zone. It's not perfect, but the swing is moving. What happens is that momentum takes over and causes another plus one, and another, and another. Once the balance becomes too much on one side or the other things become chaotic, there is no comfortable place to go, either we find that balance again, or we fall off the cliff. We need a reset at that point. Back to Zero Point Zero.
The perfect balance would be zero. Centered, right in the middle. The best way to keep centered is to spin on a singular axis, at a constant speed, not too fast and not too slow. As long as no outside influence is allowed to alter the movement, we can stay balanced at zero forever, or INFINITY, they are one and the same. Everything and Nothing is exactly the same.
We have SOMETHING because the controllers of our output would not allow us to have EVERYTHING. This the very essence of evil, it is the core of corruption, turning the dial up one notch at a time, until the balance is gone and we are in Chaos. Denying all of humanity for the sake of themselves. They would rather us perish than to see us have it all. That is pure evil.
God is not Chaotic. God is peace, peace is balance, peace is wisdom, peace is INFINITE, peace is perfect. ZERO POINT ZERO. God wants us to have EVERYTHING because GOD IS EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT THE SAME TIME. YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT THE SAME TIME.
Now all we need to do is find the RESET.