Anonymous ID: 6d351e Dec. 2, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.4115679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5694 >>5700 >>5779 >>5849 >>5918 >>6062 >>6096

Translated from German, long read in 4 parts….worth the time.


The journeys of the "immigrants" - under the magnifying glass


Who benefits? Such a migration train must be planned and organized by a long hand, that's common sense. These people have to be fed for weeks, they need to have sleeping and washing facilities (not to mention toilets), they have to change their clothes … Some thoughts on "migration".


Why do these immigrant flows from all over the world come to Europe and the USA?


Time and again we are led to the wars, or the unworthy living conditions, or the "no future" situation in many countries. People would spontaneously embark on the journey, the principle of "discarding papers" and "keeping a smartphone" would tell one another, and a few other stories as well.


You can see the numbers and the statistics in mind, compared to 2006 - 2017. Here is visually well represented:


Current statistics curves can not be found in the net over the USA, but it will be similar. Only since the takeover by Trump the curve will decline.


There are streams of people walking thousands of miles to find somewhere to live in completely different cultures. Now I may be stupid and backward, but - when I was traveling to a neighboring country to achieve certain goals (education, acquisition, etc.), I first made sure of how life is there, how the accommodation is and what the rent costs, where my friends are, who could help me, etc. Nevertheless, there was the same mother tongue, the same culture, - only some traditions have - local - differentiated.


Although I was single and young at the time, I still did not go into the unknown blue. That was in the early 70s. Can it be that such considerations are no longer valid today? Now there is talk of millions who want to go on the journey. Thousands of kilometers, in countries completely unknown to them, many of whom are not even known by name, in completely foreign cultures. There are a few going off, holding their packed bundle in hand, marching from village to village, from city to city, toward the Promised Land. Others, who are just doing their jobs, perhaps in the field, or even at the anvil, throw away their tools, gather the necessities and join in. As it is to be read in the Bible story.



Anonymous ID: 6d351e Dec. 2, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.4115700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5720 >>5779 >>5918 >>6062 >>6096



Realistic? How many have already come from Africa, how many from the Middle East, etc. Now I hear that from Latin America. For this I have some thoughts, because in the latter topic these different streams of immigration in the media usually mixed and not clearly defined. This has been published in some forums, e.g. here:


Especially at the immigrants bordering the US in Mexico


There it does not work anymore, that one comes so easily into the promised land, there stands no one on the platform and throws Teddybären, - there stands the national guard and the military with tear gas and guards the borders. The result: the immigrants are angry about their "leaders".


I quote:


"The controversial non-governmental organization Pueblo sin Fronteras (" People without Borders ") is withdrawing more and more. You accuse local helpers of stealing responsibility after leading the caravan to the limit. "


Read in the "world". Next I quote from a message:


"Mexikonewsdaily reports on migrants who feel betrayed and want to go home. Quote: We've been tricked, our dreams have gone to hell. The NGO "Pueblos Sin Fronteras" is innocent. "


All this leads to the fundamental considerations of NGOs


Time and again there is talk of certain NGOs, again and again they are in the game. Now I have a very specific suspicion: If these NGOs were not who initiate and organize these immigration trips, then these "journeys into the unknown" would not take place at all.


If you let pass the important stations in turn, then you come to this:


In 2014, neither the US nor Germany, and also some other countries, will make the promised contribution to UNHCR. This tears an insurmountable hole in the treasury of those who finance the "inhabitants" of the refugee camps in Jordan, and so on. The UNHCR had to halve the contributions per capita. In a way, that was the "out" for the refugees to stay in the tents.


Only on the sidelines, as it is so with the humanitarian contributions held - or has someone believed, as I do - that the publicly made humanitarian aid pledges are respected - or that this compliance checks anyone? See Germany radio culture …



Anonymous ID: 6d351e Dec. 2, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.4115720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5755 >>5779 >>5918 >>6062 >>6096



Then came the "Run" on Europe and especially on Germany, which concerns the large immigrant flows. The invitation video of the Chancellor has also contributed significantly. Behind the scenes, however, a global solution has already been worked on, namely the so-called Immigration Pact, which is now to be signed in Morocco.


In the background these NGOs act, who take care of the refugees. In what form, that remains in the dark. Assistance only after the "escape" from the countries of origin, - or animation and conviction to embark on the indefinite journey, organization of fleeing the tugs, - nobody knows that exactly, - in any case, hardly detectable. Also the role of Frontex with the tug boats is very mysterious. For it is already a miracle that Frontex is always there when a tug boat cruises a few hours in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean is not much bigger than a bathtub … ..


I quote from a comment by a writer in the DGF:


Of course, this must be planned and organized by a long hand, that's common sense. These people have to be fed for weeks, they need to have sleeping and washing facilities (not to mention kitchens), they have to change their clothes ect ect ect …


They would have left, like a swarm of locusts in Africa, devastated landscapes on their route, if not appropriate precautions had been taken.


Not to forget the Guiness records, the grandmother who made more than 5000 km on foot from Afghanistan, as well as the grandfather, and all over 100 years old. (was read in the media)


Now the final and final step in Morocco has been signed. If you take the text of this current immigration pact and internalize the next steps, which are already outlined, then you can understand that here States like the US, or many others, do not follow suit. Germany, after all, and here the Chancellor is trying to get as many EU states on board as possible.


Of course, that is not initially binding on what is agreed here in Morocco - but you can make it binding. At the latest at this point, the wheat separates the chaff - because then every head of government in his country is more interested in the encouragement of his own people than any obligation to mix them.


The question arises, what is really the purpose of these actions, this whole roadmap



Anonymous ID: 6d351e Dec. 2, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.4115755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5779 >>5918 >>6062 >>6096



Anyone starting here to think about whether this series of "coincidental events" is pure coincidence or a planned project is placed in the corner of conspiracy theorists. But ultimately the question arises of the "cui bono?". And there you can be completely different view.


Interesting is the opinion of Thilo Sarrazin in an interview by Epoch Times. I quote from it:


With all due caution, there are great tendencies in our society, but also big tendencies internationally, who say, we are a humanity and a planet and we all belong together and we will put everything together in the future. National borders, nations and ethnic groups are actually completely unnatural and we solve everything. And since people are so stubborn, we help a little bit. If we allow enough people to migrate, then the whites, who already are almost white-headed anyway, and do not really want to multiply, soon in their own countries in the minority and then we have already solved a problem.


The conjectures sometimes go in the one or in quite other directions. But there are and remain assumptions. To find out the truth, what is really planned behind the scenes, we have no insight. But there is an easy way to find out. The old rule still applies: who orders, who pays.


In other words, you just have to find out who finances, commissions and oversees these NGOs. This automatically gets the response to the "cui bono?".


The catch: these organizations are extremely covered, I was not able to find out what is concrete, which also corresponds to the truth. What is officially stated, in terms of funding, that's one, - but what comes in at certain (instruction-bound) donations so that's different. The same is true of party financing. Not the state subsidies are interesting, but the amount and origin of the donations.


Is it the realization of the Hootons plan, the Kaufman plan, the cosmopolitan ideology, the establishment of the NWO, - one should think about it. For these processes, as they have run one after the other and which forms they now assume to put everything as a coincidence, one would have to muster a lot of imagination to believe that.


Somehow I came to the conviction that you should just ban the NGOs or at least fight. Then many things would be done by themselves and one would make especially those who turn behind the scenes on the cog, a hefty stroke by the bill. If one ultimately - perhaps even on this occasion - find out who is behind these NGOs, then one has made the true goals of the political masterminds transparent and everyone would then know where to go. For sure.


Then perhaps the do-gooders would wake up and realize that they were actually only used - and have willing to use.



Anonymous ID: 6d351e Dec. 2, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.4115830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5912


These are my first 4 posts today, shill.


Have you ever considered just leaving the mason lodge? I think there is still time and you don't have to spent your time here before getting suicided…


I will pray for you.