Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.4115415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5437 >>5626 >>5716 >>5918 >>6062 >>6096

Russian Ground Forces Receive Revolutionary Combat Doctrines


Ground Forces experienced an event whose importance can hardly be overestimated. A new set of combat doctrines has entered into force.


Traditionally it includes three books. Part one covers operations of regiments, divisions, and brigades. This document is classified. The second part deals with the company and battalion level. The third is intended for the platoon, squad, individual tank.


Formally, these doctrines are considered temporary. But that’s no reason for concern. For example, when the Rosgvardiya was being formed, MVD doctrines also were temporary.


The new doctrines were approved in September 2017. But they began to arrive in line formations only this September. It’s noteworthy that they are propagated mainly in electronic form, through the “military internet”, a closed channel for data transmission.


Even now these documents are being called “revolutionary” in the field. One of the officers who spoke with VPK even joked that, upon reading them, he exclaimed “That’s not my army’s doctrine”. This underscores the degree to which they change the tactics of combined arms forces. Traditionally, the platoon-squad-tank manual has been the smallest of the three. This time it’s the second in size.

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.4115470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5522 >>5918 >>6034 >>6062 >>6096

Is all the Russia posturing due to this? (Trump, Mattis)


Adam Schiff: Trump Is ‘Compromised’ by Russian Ties — ‘That Puts Our Country At Risk’


Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said President Donald Trump and his organization “were compromised” by business dealing with Russia.


Schiff said, “The very broad significance here is that there is now testimony there is now a witness who confirms that in the same way Michael Flynn was compromised that the president and his business are compromised. The national security, former national security adviser Michael Flynn was compromised because he was saying things publicly that were not true about discussions with the Russians over sanctions. Now we have Michael Cohen saying that what the president was saying, what Michael Cohen was saying, and others were saying about hen this business deal ended was not true. And what’s more, the Russians knew it wasn’t true. At the same time Donald Trump was the presumptive nominee of the GOP and arguing in favor of doing away with sanctions, he was working on a deal that would require doing away with sanctions for him to make money in Russia. That is a real problem. That means that the compromise is far broader than we thought.”


He added, “The Mueller investigation as was the Comey investigation was a counterintelligence investigation, an investigation into whether Donald Trump and his organization were compromised. And now via Michael Cohen, we find out that, yes, there was compromise. That puts our country at risk.”

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.4115496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5953 >>6096

Canova Contests Results Of Congressional Race Against Wasserman-Schultz, Demands Revote


Authored by Elizabeth Lea Vos via Disobedient Media,


Earlier today, former Congressional candidate Tim Canova announced that his legal team filed a complaint officially contesting the results of last month's congressional race, in which Canova faced off against former DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.


The Canova campaign website announced the move:


"Tim Canova, independent candidate in Florida’s 23rd Congressional District, has filed a motion for a court to invalidate the results of the 2018 general election and declare that a “new election shall proceed with hand-marked paper ballots that are counted by hand in public and reported immediately and publicly at the local precinct level.”


"…In the details of Canova’s court filing, Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes [is alleged to have] “engaged in misconduct that was sufficient to change or place in doubt the results of the 2018 election.”


Canova cites Snipes, Dozel Spencer, the SOE Director of Voting Equipment, and other deputy supervisors “violated their oaths to faithfully perform their duties, engaged in repeated misconduct and violations of state and federal laws, including criminal statutes.”

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.4115522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nadler: Cohen Plea Suggests Putin ‘Has Leverage Over the President’


Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” likely incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said Michael Cohen’s admission that he lied to Congress about negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow suggested Russia may have leverage over the president.


Nadler said, “The fact that he was lying to the American people about doing business in Russia, and that the Kremlin knew he was lying, gave the Kremlin a hold over him. And one question we have now is: Does the Kremlin still have a hold over him because of other lies they know about.”


He added, “One question has always been why was the president so obsequious to Putin from the beginning of the campaign up to the present day. And it may be that it’s because the Kremlin has leverage over the president, which is a terrible thing if true.”

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.4115708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5953



Over 1400 displaced Syrians return via Nassib border crossing

1439 Syrians who had been displaced due to terrorist acts returned home via Nassib border crossing with Jordan over the past week. The returnees, numbered 4219 since the re-opening of the border crossing on October 15th, returned to Syria using temporary passage tickets that the Syrian embassy in Jordan provided to them, he added.


Weapons, ammo seized in Homs northern countryside

The competent authorities on Sunday seized quantities of weapons and various munitions of terrorists’ remnants in al-Holeh area in Homs northern countryside, SANA reporter said.


Lavrov: U.S. Is Working To Establish Quasi-State In Eastern Syria

“What is happening on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River clearly violates the commitment to Syria’s territorial integrity, declared by all and confirmed in the UN Security Council’s resolution. In my view, this is already evident for all,” Lavrov said during an interview with the Rossiya 1 TV, according to the Russian news agency TASS. “The US is trying to establish quasi-state structures, they earmark hundreds of millions of dollars into rebuilding these areas, so that people could return to a normal peaceful life, but they refuse to restore infrastructure on the territories, which are controlled by the Syrian government,” the Russian minister said.


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On December 2, 2018 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the military situation in the northwestern part of Syria. The YPG continues to attack Turkey-led forces in the Afrin region. Idlib militants are boosting their forces deployed near the demilitarized zone.


Military Situation In Southeastern Syria On December 2, 2018 (Map Update)

At least 33 ISIS members were killed in the recent clashes in the area of Hajin in the province of Deir Ezzor, according to sources loyal to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).



Syrian Army Foils 2 Militant Attacks In Northern Hama

On December 2, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) foiled an attempt by radical militants to launch an attack on the Christian town of Mahardah in the northern Hama countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The state-run agency said that army units had targeted militants with heavy machine guns killing and injuring many of them.

Few hours later, another group of militants attempted to launch an attack on positions of the SAA around the town of Zlin, which is located northeast of Mahardah. However, the army’s reconnaissance units detected the militants and shelled them forcing them to withdraw back to their positions in the town al-Lataminah. As a result of these repeated violations, the Damascus government and its allies are reportedly considering the possibility of launching a limited military operation within the demilitarized zone. Earlier this week, Russia’s special presidential envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, hinted that Russia would support such an operation.

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 11 a.m. No.4115741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062 >>6096

Putin Says Nyet To Releasing Ukrainian Sailors And Ships


Russian President Vladimir Putin says it's "too early" to release Ukrainian sailors and naval vessels seized in the Sea of Azov, and has accused the government of Ukraine of provoking an incident to distract from their own domestic problems.


In statements to reporters following the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Putin covered a wide array of topics, including oil production and a possible detente with the UK in the hopes that the nations can overcome differences and normalize relations.


On the topic of Ukraine, however, Putin took a harder stance over Moscow's refusal to release the 24 captured sailors - an international incident which resulted in US President Trump canceling a meeting with Putin amid the uproar (the two instead had a brief side-chat).


Russia detained the two artillery ships and a tugboat after forcing them to stop at gunpoint after what Moscow described as "dangerous maneuvering" in the waters near the Kerch Strait.


Putin said that it was necessary to hold the sailors captive while a legal case was constructed that would show that the three Ukrainian naval vessels were in violation of Russian territorial waters - and that the ship's logs would reveal their attempt to cross the Kerch strait from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov, which is enclosed by Russia, the Crimean peninsula and mainland Ukraine.


When asked if the Kremlin might be willing to exchange the sailors for Russians detained by Ukraine, Putin replied: "We are not considering a swap and Ukraine did not raise this issue, and it’s too early to talk about that. They are still being investigated. We need to establish the fact that this was a provocation by the Ukrainian government and we need to put all these things on paper."


Putin also suggested that the incident was part of a wider pattern of provocation by Kiev.


"The current Ukrainian leadership is not interested in resolving this at all," said the Russian leader. "As long as they stay in power, war will continue. Why? Because when you have provocations, such hostilities like what just happened in the Black Sea … you can always use war to justify your economic failures."


Last week, Russia's FSB security service released a video of three men admitting they provoked the incident with Russia.

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.4115794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interesting Steele is now pushing the same story I flagged last bread as a Russian sauce


US Admiral Scott Stearney Assassinated in Bahrain? Related to False Flag (Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel)


UPDATE: My intentional provocation produced two push-packs, both equally credible:


01 He was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message JSC. Sidebar: US Navy operation, Zionist preoccupied in Syria.


02 He was not assassinated by Bahreini at direction of ONI, but rather “suicided” by a JSOG specialist (they are still responsive to Dick Cheney via COG channels) inserted into his special protection detail). Sidebar: JSOG is ready to abandon Dick Cheney & the Cabal, the SEALS that died over a false Bin Laden and were then culled after the fact are not forgotten.


I have no direct knowledge. What I do know, rooted in a blessed life, is that a false flag is planned that frames Iran for an attack on the US Navy; the US Navy has not cleaned house within 5th Fleet; we are still vulnerable to treason within the 5th Fleet.


All of this is separate from the Zionist and Saudi Arabian false flag chemical attacks being offered within Syria.


I have been reminded that President Barack Obama was obliged to fire a prior Admiral in the Middle East for planning precisely the same false flag operation.


I am reminded that Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Jeremy M. Boorda was suicided (murdered), with a Deep State / Zionist media cover story over unauthorized medal pins. The story was false — every time an IG inspection is held — and Boorda went through many of them — there is a specific focus on medals and the officers are the first to be examined.

Anonymous ID: c351b0 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.4115875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889 >>5953 >>5960

(((They))) really want a war! FFS are we expected to buy this??


U.S. military warns electromagnetic pulse weapons in Iran, Russia and North Korea could melt down nuclear power plants, shut down the electricity grid for 18 months and WIPE OUT millions of Americans


An Air Force report reveals the U.S. is utterly unprepared for an electromagnetic pulse weapon attack

Iran, North Korea, Russia, and U.S. all have developed EMP weapons that fire invisible microwaves and electromagnetic pulses that shut down electricity

The report warns that an attack could shut down the electricity grid for 18 months, would melt down nuclear plants, and displace 4.1million people

It would also kill 90 per cent of the East Coast within a year

No electricity would affect transportation, food distribution, and healthcare


The military is warning the U.S. government to prepare for a potential electromagnetic pulse weapon attack, as countries like North Korea, Russia and Iran develop the special arms.


The shocking report, published by the Air Force's Air University, reveals that the U.S. is dismally unprepared for such an attack that could wipe out all electricity, kill 90 percent of the East Coast, and lead to utter chaos.


And it could take 18 months to restore the electricity grid and social order.


'Based on the totality of available data an electromagnetic spectrum attack may be a threat to the United States, Democracy and world order,' the 2018 report says.


Projection much: "Civil unrest is predicted to start within just 'hours' of the attack."