Anonymous ID: d98c08 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.4115811   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've seen the theory floating around that x-mas will be the time to get them all rounded up (I very much doubt the Cabal celebrates like we do) but another one was to round everybody up during the end of the funeral of GHWB. 8)


Anon can dream right? Kek!

Anonymous ID: d98c08 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.4115899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5904 >>5964 >>5969 >>5978 >>5992 >>6062 >>6096


Anons. This is a long ass text intended to give a deeper understanding about the French Yellow Jackets or Gilets Jaunes movent that is spreading to globalist Europe. I've seen many questioned asked in previous breads. I tried to adress as best as I could. Read at your own Peril!


First, the whole movement of the Yellow Jackets got underway by yet another upcoming increase in excise duties on fuels, this is true. Most also support this movement from in the countryside of France, where there is no or very little public transport and people rely on use of a car. But there is much more that this drives people. France is a Republic, where the people in a couple of rounds should choose who becomes President. The State looks a lot like that of America; also because American independence in 1776 was followed by the storming of the Bastille in 1789. The French President has power -so much power-. Too much power for someone in the wrong hands (Globalist/Cabal) sometimes. At the last election there were two candidates after the first round about: Marine le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Macron is chosen because the populus here -driven by fakenews sentiment- around evil Nazi Le Pen, the people foolishly chose Macron (if the elections didn’t get frauded around with, a very real possibility) because they were told by the MSM that he was the lesser evil of the two choices.


What the average Normie French have foolishly not realized, is that Macron is a globalist president for the super rich and cabal. And someone has to pay the Bill. Even the former president, Hollande (which due to lack of backbone by the French population invariably ' Flamby ' a pun on what the French call-drill or yello pudding) recently said in answer to the question: Is Macron a president for the rich? He answered: 'Non. He is the president of the super rich!'. Thus, the wealth tax abolished in favor of the richest in this society and Micron has it that money now collected from them which is at the bottom of society. And at the same time, he interviews with no doubt how he thinks about the voter: ' les illiterées et les sans dents ' (the illiterate and the 'teethless'), or the lazy unemployed sheep-persons, who need to cross the street but to find a job but there. In short: he kicks down quite against the common man, who happens to be taxed so he the new ' Roi Soleil ' (Sun King).


Anonymous ID: d98c08 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.4115904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5910 >>5964 >>5969 >>6062 >>6096



How does this work in practice? He buys along with are Brigitte for 100 million Euro of taxpayers' money a complete make-over of the Elysée Palace, amongst others new cookware for the Elysée Palace (the Presidential Palace in Paris) that cost taxpayers EUR 500.000 (566.000$) a 1200 piece ‘modern’ cutlery, gives his wife-technically not even the first lady-a royal salary of EUR 450,000 per year (excluding expenses, assistants, chauffeurs and other royal expenses they need not pay) and starts this week with the renovation of a (((single))) room in the Elysée for the cost of EUR 500,000!


And we all know Brigitte was a married teacher who began a relationship with Macron was around 15 year old, so she is a pedophile. The French talk constantly joking about this relationship with 'his mother'. Very sick people indeed!


At the same time, further squeezed the taxpayer without mercy: as of January 1, the excise duty on fuels go up again! While there is no excise duty on fuel for aircraft and ships, the widow's pension is brought back of 50% of the pension of the deceased spouse to 25%; the housing benefit (APL; Personal Aide à la Logement) is drastically reduced, etc. etc. I can give a ton of examples but you get it by now: The working man is forced to pay more taxes while his super-rich crony-friends get tax-cuts and benefits. We here, all know and are aware that Macron was an Investment Banker.


And he does this all with conviction and reports regularly through the media that he will not change course. Instead, he scolds the French common-man. He repeatedly stated in interviews that he does not talk with ' losers ' (literally his words).


So, in come the people with the Yellow Jackets. Who are they? First, they are not organized; they want independence of corrupt leaders, the politicized trade unions and other organized groups. Second, and this is important, they are non-violent and try to prevent destruction and plundering (they know the common folk are always hit hardest by this). They are in fact ordinary Frenchmen with a regular job or pensioners revolted, etc. etc. that are against Macron-what the French now call the worst mistake of France since the Maginot line.


Then again, this is common with all bigger protest movements, they get hijacked by other groups for their own political agenda. Foreigners in the Banlieus like to riot and cause damage and pillage. The black block of Antifa likes to instigate and then there are the state-sent agents-provocateurs who mingle in the crowd, wearing yellow vests and instigate (think what happened in Germany in regard to framing the movement to show Hitler Salutes etc.) You know the drill. But it’s not the core and how it started.

Anonymous ID: d98c08 Dec. 2, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.4115910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5954 >>5964 >>5969 >>6001 >>6062 >>6084 >>6096



So how big is this protest? I don’t have exact figures, but by the bias of the MSM/French media the reality is it’s way too big to ignore and not report on. In so much actually that even the police has reported that the official downplayed figures of the Ministry of internal Affairs are nonsense; There are more than 1 million from 67 million people active in this movement right now.


And they don't seem to give up, contrary to what the media is repeatedly trying to convince us of. And even Macron has said the same; because end of the month they have no more money to protest (the arrogance is dripping from there). And so the French are now pretty angry (perhaps something like ~80 percent supports the Yellow Jackets movement) and the protests are more likely to increase than decrease.


That Macron unscrupulously uses unsavory practices is clearly quite a while (he is a Globalist after all!) The Benalla ‘affair’ was some time ago. It concerns an employee of Macron plus a number of others who, dressed illegally in police uniforms, were instigating and then beating up protesters.


Where does this go? Only the future will prove this. I think there are two options. Either Macron resigns (one of the requirements of the Vests Jaune), either Macron calls State of emergency and brings in the army to quash the protesters. And this is interesting in that there plays another very tricky business. François Hollande, the former president has the Legal Power by decree under the Ministry of Justice (part of the Executive power) and thus actually lifted the separation of powers previously installed to safeguard against too much power in one place -and thus according to many, the Constitution of the fifth Republic has been taken out of action.-


Several retired Militairy generals have via YouTube called up that the Army, the Navy, and the air force and the Gendarmerie and the French Foreign Legion) to seize power so that the functioning of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic can be restored and the power will be granted back to where it belongs. To the people!


May god bless all patriots worldwide. This is WW!


Sauce: https://


If any French anons can add or clarify they are welcome to add to this