>“LIght Bearer”
who sir...was called the light bearer? Who sir brought wisdom...and was condemed for opening the eyes of the blind? WHO sir...became the target of the most jealous? WHO sir...if UP is down and down is up...and he with the biggest sword writes the history...WISDOM..the story is still there in the symbols.
We need to remember that (((THEY))) believe their story...just like we believe ours...what if we're ALL wrong? We cannot wake THEM without waking ourselves.
>your people have not forgotten,
I wish this were true...many are blinded by hate...angered by what is lost...my rez only one elder spoke the language and there is no medicine man...a catholic church...sits on the rez..and government housing and medicine..and GIBS....have kept us drunken slaves..we are hated as thieves..and GIB takers...we have forgotten who we are.
slowly some elders are telling the story..and slowly our words are returning..we predicted the time of death, we also predicted our rebirth. Life is circular...we will rise again...and those who sought to kill our ways will need our ways to survive.
>History is not your reality, not if you don't let it be.
I don't get my "history" from your books..we've been telling our story to each other and hiding our ancient history from the anthropologists, from the scientists trying to force it from us..some has leaked..but most remains in the hearts and minds of elders who only tell our story to time keepers...but we also lie to ourselves...one only need look at the Maori effort to HIDE their story in order to hang onto the GIBS for being first. We know who our brothers are..we know about the time before time...we know the lies...I'm talking about time keepers...many an Indian in US does the same as the Maori..one need look no further than Kenniwick man..
WHO taught us that land could be owned and sold? WHY did we accept this? We have become drunk and lazy...
He who swings the biggest sword..wins the day..and writes the story.