Anonymous ID: ddbfa4 Feb. 17, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.412249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2266 >>2283 >>2316 >>2351 >>2385 >>2402

My eyes are glazing over with so much info. Maybe another Anon can figure this out. It's about water. I don't know if this guy is bat shit crazy or woke.


Joe Gilberti PE, president, Landtech Design Group Inc., Florida says he has located water 400 miles beneath the earth that is so perfect and unique it will literally affect all of mankind.


Timothy Charles Holmseth wrote this article about it and there is a video showing Joe being visited by mask covered cops. It spooks Joe enough he goes into the house and will only talk to them through the window. This part is all true but what is it about this water Joe keeps talking about? Q says to watch the water.


BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE! Florida Engineer: ‘Oceans beneath the earth’ discovered 400 miles down - hidden by the Rothschild Family


The video

Anonymous ID: ddbfa4 Feb. 17, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.412417   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Barack Obama, Casey Anthony, Attorney Mark Lippman, Florida Governors, a secret pedophile blackmail list, CIA, FBI, and an ocean of pure water beneath the State of Florida


An ocean of secret water deep below the State of Florida is being hidden from the American public because of a secret blackmail list of greedy government pedophiles.

That is – according to Joe Gilberti PE, president, Landtech Design Group Inc., Florida who says he has located an un-tapped ocean of water 400 miles beneath the earth that is so perfect and unique it will literally affect all of mankind.

“They’re killing little kids by hiding this water,” Gilberti said.

Write Into Action originally covered this story in October, 2017 - BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE! Florida Engineer: ‘Oceans beneath the earth’ discovered 400 miles down - hidden by the Rothschild Family - Engineer secretly arrested by U.S. Marshalls and Secret Service in attempted government land-grab - by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 10, 2017, 9:33 P.M. CST

And now - the accusations are now flying fast and furious.

“My new lawyers who work pro bono across America are huge and are filing 

federal cases against EPA, Obama, Mosaic and Trump on this stuff,” Gilberti said. 

Gilberti says high ranking government officials including NASA are conspiring to hide the life saving water and are the focus of a RICO complaint his lawyers are filling.

“Basically, our Class Action and Civil RICO with Fraud on Courts against Rothschild World Bank Terrorist with Israel Mosaic Fertilizer and Tampa with Judges is going to use your case (Minnesota 9th District - 60-FA-13-468) as more evidence,” Gilberti said.

The Minnesota case contains evidence of an international pedophile and fake adoption ring being run by rogue CIA and FBI that melted into the Caylee Anthony murder and HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

“We will be submitting a pedophile ring case that ties to Cobra (William) Staubs and Chris Shaw as well as US Leaders and Cops in Florida,” Gilberti said.

The same people hiding this US Resource for ISRAEL MOSAIC FERTILIZER are a pedophile ring that the Bounty Hunter William Cobra Staubs and Mark Lippman are part of with Gov. Scott and many more Florida Leaders,” Gilberti said.

Mark Lippman, the attorney that represented George and Cindy Anthony, shot back at his former client Gilberti today in an email exchange. “Noticed you said I am part of some ring. Stop using my name for your shenanigans.  Pay your outstanding bill,” Lippman said.

“Stop terrorizing my office and my email.  Stop making threats.  I have sent you an email earlier which I think you should read before you send another email. This is my final warning,” Lippman said.

I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) reached out to Attorney Lippman today regarding evidence I have submitted to the court regarding the murder of Caylee Anthony.

Mark Lippman 


In Re: Casey Anthony / Caylee Anthony murder / New Evidence

November 30, 2017

Attorney Lippman,

I am an investigative author and journalist from Minnesota.

During the kidnapping case of HaLeigh Cummings, which ran parallel to the Casey Anthony murder trial, I conducted many interviews with key figures (I myself was interviewed by the FBI twice) in those cases.

During my investigation I received a flash drive in the mail that captured a formal meeting being conducted by a Florida attorney along with a bounty hunter/bail bondsman named William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra). The audio captures William Staubs flatly stating he/they found the body of Caylee Anthony. LISTEN AT 11:35 on the YOU TUBE link below.

I also captured William Staubs on audio telling PI Jim Hoover that he had been in the woods where Caylee was found.

I see you have taken issue with Joe Gilberti and something he may have said about your involvement in something cynical. I have no evidence of that and will attempt to confer with Mr. Gilberti on that matter.

I am wondering if you have a comment on the astonishing claim made by William Staubs which appears to change absolutely everything about the Caylee Anthony murder.

Will you be contacting George and Cindy Anthony regarding this new evidence? I know the Associated Press reported the Anthony family was hoping for some glimmer of evidence of what happened to their grand daughter. Perhaps you now have it.

Respectfully yours,

Timothy Charles Holmseth

Cc: Joe Gilberti

No response by Attorney Lippman was  received as of this publishing.