And maybe they do. We don't know anything at this point.
Watch it for yourself, Anon. You don't need to have your eyeballs on the screen at all times. :) You might pick up on some things that draw your attention. Or not! I do not know. Am just saying that it MIGHT be worth re-reviewing.
I can't recall EXACTLY off the top of my head, yet I think it had to do with who owned the land the uranium was mined from, plus a trucking company.
Could be totally off base, tho. It's been a longlonglong time since I read about U1 and details get fuzzy.
All of us right now.
Dogs can have any fucking seat they want.
My understanding is that THAT Dept. was separate from POTUS and maybe isn't even US-based?
Bad memory tonight, probs shouldn't even be posting!