In 1982 Benjamin Creme unveiled “The Plan.” He posted an ad in 20 newspapers describing THE PLAN.
In his Tara Center's ad in 1982, Benjamin Creme stated: "What is the Plan? It included the installation of a new world order government and new world religion under Maitreya." At his Share International website Creme has a question and answer format describing the teachings of Maitreya.
Administrative and Governmental positions will be offered to certain members of the inner group who can then directly implement the needed changes. In this way a gradual transformation of society will be made…
The Hierarchy has plans already made and ready to put into effect. These involve the reconstruction of the world financial and economic order. A group of high initiates, themselves economists, industrialists, and financial experts of great experience and achievement, are working with the Hierarchy and have evolved a series of blueprints, alternative inter-related plans, which will solve the redistribution problems which are at the basis of the present world crisis. These can and will be speedily implemented when the need is seen and accepted, which acceptance will be forced on the United Nations of the world by the weight of a now informed public opinion. The cry for help and justice from the poor and starving nations will be too loud and too dramatic to ignore. THE STAGE WILL THEN BE SET FOR THE [ANTI]CHRIST TO MAKE KNOWN HIS PRESENCE AND LEAD MANKIND INTO THE AQUARIAN EXPERIENCE.
"Those who follow the path of Lucifer are called 'light-bearers' in the world.
NEW AGERS, FREEMASONS both believe in NWO. Masons also believe they will be in charge. Their god, Lucifer brings the earth from Dark to LIGHT.