How about DICK CHENEY?
I think white hats like to have Deep State Puppet Macron removed.
BUT cabal ist sending agents provocateurs for rioting.
No one likes RIOTS!
I have read that GHWB's casket shall be transported with AIR FORCE 1.
Do WHITE HATS in the plane make sure, he is dead…?
Or will they investigate, how long he actually is dead already?
(Think "Benji"!)
GermanAnon here!
yes, few are awake…
but it's tremendous how big still the influence of cabal/ MSM is.
And all the "alternative" sources are now called "Nazi".
That scares the Normies away!
Also giletsjaunes in France are now called more or less "nazi"… and everyone who does not like Merkel also is called a "nazi".