I'll take it.
What is organic here?
What is "Freddy"?
Can "Freddy" and a whole community of Freddy-oriented chatter be emulated?
Why are we [here]?
What % of posts [here] are made by humans?
How do you know?
What is really going on?
Every move has a purpose.
What is "Freddy"?
What is organic [here]?
How do you control the people?
How do you control the media?
How do you control the internet?
How do you control [here]?
What are tech giants doing with all their AI?
So if Q responds to "F" = ???
Every move has a purpose.
Why did we move [here]?
Think for yourself.
We can not be spoonfed the final answers.
Is 4chan controlled?
Was 4chan a threat?
Organic "hacktivism"?
Would power seek to control 4chan?
Is intelligence power expert in manipulation and penetration?
What is organic on the internet?
How much AI power can be leveraged?
How do we know?
If 4chan is controlled, what is [here]?
Free from interference?
But we can see what is organic [here].
What is "Freddy"?
What is FAKE Q?
What is "ebot"?
What are "the anti-semites"?
What are porn posters?
And on and on and onโฆ?
Why are we [here]?
There IS a reason.
"We can guide, but you must uncover the truth organically."
Emulations of 4chan "character" types, IMO.
What % of posts here is organic?
If only humans were posting would you get, say, one general thread every other day? Perhaps?