You never know, Antifa in yellow vests is also a possibility.
Why would you trust it?
You never know, if it's orchestrated and if, by whom.
Or if it's a grassroots movement.
And even if organic, it can be infiltrated and discredited.
Many movements in history were taken over at some point.
And only so few might have reached their initial goal.
Not Q.
I believe that the truth about 9/ 11 will never made public. When says "the world is connected", he means that you cannot admit, as a country, that someone did something and therefore you went to war under a false pretext.
The world would sue you. In the best of all possible cases.
>It can be admitted that certain players from foreign nations going rogue we're complicit
But this would mean that you would have to dmit that maybe Americans were in it too.
Important Americans.
I look at it this way: many people died in America and many more in other parts of the world because of this.
But not you and I.
Sometimes one has to be grateful and honour the innocent.
We will never know what happened, not in our life time.
Yes, I too would like to know, what happened (& who did it). But…