Anonymous ID: 76230c Dec. 2, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.4122304   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Job 11:11

Surely he recognizes deceivers; and when he sees evil, does he not take note?


John 11:11

After he had said this, he went on to tell them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up."


11:11, Biblical Prophecy and the 11th Hour Workers


Many people from all walks of life have begun to see 11:11 in various places, especially on their digital clocks, phones and computers. As this begins to happen more frequently, many of us may begin to ask ourselves “What does this mean?” and “Why am I seeing this now?”


If you still do not know what the 11:11 phenomenon is, it occurs when a person begins to feel drawn to look at the clock whenever it is 11:11. The phenomenon may start with the number 11 but can extend to seeing other numbers combinations such as 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 12:12, etc. Happening often enough, it begins to feel synchronistic. This synchronicity usually provokes the person who is noticing this phenomenon to search for answers or to feel they are being guided by angels or a supernatural force. Because people can begin to wake in the night to see some of these number combinations, it is also linked to being a “wake up call.”


While there are many explanations for the phenomenon, I’m surprised that one cannot find much information on the internet connecting it to biblical prophecy and the 11th hour parable in the Book of Matthew (for those who are unfamiliar with the parable, it is Matthew 20, KJV). Here is what it says of the 11th hour (Matthew 20: 6-7):


And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, ‘Why stand ye here all the day idle?’ They say unto him, ‘Because no man hath hired us.’ He saith unto them, ‘Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.’


According to Ellen G. White, during the “11th hour”:


“The old truths will be presented, but they will be seen in a new light. There will be a new perception of truth, a clearness and a power that all will discern. Those who have the privilege of sitting under such a ministry will, if susceptible to the Holy Spirit’s influence, feel the energizing power of a new life. The fire of God’s love will be kindled within them. Their perceptive faculties will be quickened to discern the beauty and majesty of truth.” ~ Christ’s Object Lessons, Ellen G. White, pp. 130-131.

Anonymous ID: 76230c Dec. 2, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.4122340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2386 >>2464 >>2526 >>2796 >>2871

Mexico's New President Signs Deal To Halt Flow Of Migrants


As one of his first acts in office, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and his counterparts from three Central American countries have signed an agreement to formulate a plan which will stop the flow of migrants seeking asylum in the United States.


The plan will include a fund to generate jobs in the region, while attacking the "structural causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras," reports AP, citing a Saturday statement from Mexico's Foreign Ministry.


Thousands of mostly Honduran migrants have banded together in caravans over the last two months, making the northward journey through Mexico towards the southern US border.


The majority of the most recent Central American migrant caravan has gathered in Tijuana, where authorities just cleared around 6,000 asylum-seekers out of an outdoor sports complex close to the US border - moving them to a former concert venue around 14 miles away from the San Ysidro border crossing. The first shelter was closed due to sanitation issues according to the city.

Anonymous ID: 76230c Dec. 2, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.4122626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kiev Saves No One, Russia Protects Europe From Ukraine’s Barbarism – Maria Zakharova


Russia, is protecting Europe from the barbarism and militarism from Ukraine that are hanging over the whole continent, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting on the statements of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko that Russia intends to seize Berdyansk and Mariupol.


“Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel gave an absolutely clear description of what is happening in Ukraine in an interview with the German TV channel N-TV: “I think that in no case should we allow Ukraine to draw us into the war. Ukraine tried to do it.” And after Poroshenko declared that “Russia allegedly intends to seize Mariupol and Berdyansk,” we can confidently say, paraphrasing his own saying: “it is Russia that protects Europe from “barbarism, tyranny, terrorism, aggression, militarism that have hung over our entire continent”, wrote Zakharova on her Facebook page.


Petro Poroshenko claims that Russia intends to seize two cities in the region of the Azov Sea. “Russia does not abandon its plan to expand its occupation of Ukraine. Moscow is trying to get a land corridor from the occupied Donbas to the occupied Crimea, capturing Mariupol and Berdyansk ” Poroshenko said in an interview with the German Funke Media Group.

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While many around the world following these events for the last four years would very much like that to be true, rather instead, Russia looks to maintain long-term relationships with Europe based on stability, and reduce the perception that Russia acts alone and against the interests of peace.

As the Ukrainian president believes, the proof of Russia’s intentions is the incident in the Kerch Strait on November 25th, when the Frontier Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia detained three Ukrainian ships in the territorial waters of Russia.


Maria Zakharova stresses that “it is thanks to the current Kiev regime that modern Ukraine is characterized by rampant extremists and paramilitary organizations, power backed by thugs, war against one’s own people, propaganda and manipulation as a basis for managing society, provocation as a concept of foreign policy, rampant corruption, intimidation of journalists and total control over the media, nationalism as a national idea in itself, the dictates of the security forces over civil society, the lack of mechanisms of public control, the degradation of institutions of democratic power “.

Anonymous ID: 76230c Dec. 2, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.4122717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


‘What a Hanukkah gift’: Bitter PM slams police call to charge him with bribery


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back hard Sunday evening against Israel Police’s bombshell recommendation earlier in the day that he be indicted for taking bribes in the Bezeq-Walla corruption probe, known as Case 4000.


“The witch-hunt against us continues,” Netanyahu told a crowd of Likud supporters at the party’s official Hanukkah lighting ceremony at the Kfar Maccabiah Hotel in Tel Aviv. The investigation, he claimed, was biased and “skewed from the start… A year ago, before even opening the investigations,” he charged of the police, “they decided what the outcome would be and leaked their conclusions.”


Investigators said earlier Sunday they believed there was enough evidence to bring Netanyahu to trial on charges of accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust, and fraudulently accepting benefits. It is the third case in which police have recommended bribery charges against the prime minister. They also recommended that his wife, Sara, stand trial in the case.


Cont. from images:

That process makes late 2019 the likely timing for any final word on whether Netanyahu will face trial. The next Knesset elections are currently slated for November 2019, but may very well be held earlier.


Coalition partners have previously said that they would not leave the government unless a full indictment was filed against the prime minister, but recent crises may have shifted allegiances in the coalition after it was reduced last month to a paper-thin majority of just 61-59 in the 120-seat Knesset.

Anonymous ID: 76230c Dec. 2, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.4122816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UNDERCOVER: NGOs teaching migrants to lie