“They (white European Christians) are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” – Barbara Lerner-Spectre, prominent jewish supremacist
“Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.” – jewish movie producer Nathan Abrams
“The Messiah will come only when Edom, Europe, Christianity has totally fallen. So I ask you, is it good news that Muslims are invading Europe? It’s excellent news! It means the coming of the Messiah! Excellent news!” French Rabbi Rav Touitou
"I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period." jewish racist Emily Goldstein
Racist jewish Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev: “The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists.”
Jewish feminist Susan Sontag said: “The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone.”
Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’: Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef uses pejorative term 'kushi' for African Americans in weekly sermon – Times of Israel
"[White people] You’re on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around."
— Tim Wise, “anti-racist” (anti-White) jewish activist.
Racist bigot Zionist jew Greg Morelli: The now deleted tweet, which ignited outrage on social media, read: "Soon as I heard it was country music, I felt relief. White people shooting white people isn't terror … it's community outreach. (hashtag) LasVegas."
4 Reasons I Don't Like Thanksgiving || Mayim Bialik
Racist Big Bang Theory jewess star Miyam Bialik believes white Americans shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving.
“It's not okay for white pride rallies to take place in 2016.” End St. Patrick's Day! –jewish racist bigot Allison Rothberg
Jewish CBS exec fired for unsympathetic Vegas massacre post - New York Post
Oct 2, 2017 - A CBS legal executive who said she had no sympathy for the victims killed in Las Vegas because they were “country music fans” — and therefore likely Republican — has been fired. Hayley Geftman-Gold posted the ugly comments on social media about Sunday’s massacre in a …
Such a small percentage of any population but most seem to hate white Christians!
People especially native Europeans have a right to be pissed!