Illegal laws are illegal.
Don’t be stupid.
No one in America believes the official 9/11/01 lie.
The MSM will never, NEVER report 9/11 truth.
Less than 5% of Americans believe that MSM is capable of reporting the truth.
Well… what are you waiting for President Trump???
There is a comedic opening here somewhere,… I can just feel it in my bone.
It’s ok to tell the truth. The whole freaking world knows the truth, even Freddy.
Truth purifies. It does not divide. USA Inc. is under new management now. Let the light shine in!
Is Thule like Zuhl?
Parkinson’s is really specific. A neurodegerative condition effecting the substantia nigra.
Kuru effects, or may impact, on the entire cortex. Both are degenerative conditions.