Anonymous ID: b12894 Feb. 17, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.413019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is this how they were able to get millions of illegal, non-resident votes?


In an effort to preserve the integrity of all U.S. elections, as ordered by the President of the United States, after an extensive investigation in select counties (the ‘sampling’), the DHS has concluded that while Russian entities (as outlined within SC Mueller’s investigation were complicit in attempting to undermine the presidential election of 2016) had no direct impact or bearing on the outcome of the presidential election, nor were any U.S. person(s) knowingly part of such an attempt to sabotage as it relates to the Russian investigation, U.S. and other foreign entities (as further described within DHS[XXXX]), acting outside of Russian agents, did attempt on numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the presidential election of 2016, senate elections of [x, y, z], [x] elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the “irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.


Nov 6 2017 22:52:24



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God save us.





In the court case at the bottom of the article, the Illinois Sec. of State office signed her up to vote knowing she wasn't eligible since she wasn't a citizen when all she came in for was an identification card.


Multiply this by every blue state and there's your millions of illegal votes?!