Anonymous ID: 0486dd Dec. 2, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.4125268   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>”After World War II, the UK and the US decided to create "stay-behind" paramilitary organizations, with the official aim of countering a possible Soviet invasion through sabotage and guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. Arms caches were hidden, escape routes prepared, and loyal members recruited, whether in Italy or in other European countries. Its clandestine "cells" were to stay behind in enemy-controlled territory and to act as resistance movements, conducting sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassinations.


My Canadian Special Forces friend claims he was somehow part of this operation. He said the following to me:


  • There is a contingent of military people in Europe, very patriotic

  • They live their lives as regular joes but many are armed forces or reservists

  • After World War 2, Europe pleadged never to be invaded by land again

  • Every bridge throughout the EU can be detonated in a matter of days

  • Every bridge has an explosives cache nearby

  • The Gladios are trained to use these explosives


I believe we are witnessing a white hat color revolution being aided and abetted by patriotic elements within France, and this protest is the fuse for bottled up, deep resentments held by EuroPatriots as they watch their nations get genocided by weaponized migration.


I believe Indigenous Europeans have a right to exist, a right to define their culture, and to pass that on to subsequent generations. The globalists are implementing the Kalgeri Plan to bring about a mulatto class of racial hybrids with little to no allegiance to nation, only allegiance to a consumerist or welfare state identity.