Anonymous ID: 13bd7d Dec. 2, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.4124602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Truth about the Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans


*US Adult Population 243 Million people


US Jewish Population - less than 2%


**98% of Americans Care About America, NOT Israel. Unless you're a Zionist Shill


We've been force fed this Israel/Jews Professional Victim crap, but you can't hide the TRUTH about Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans anymore.


***Only Zionist Shills try to "DIVIDE" American anons by diverting attention away from Real Zionist Organized Cabal Crimes against Americans. They always use a Q quote to Mislead you : "They Want You DIVIDED". When it's really:

(((They))) Want You DIVIDED. from the Truth about (((them)))


In the interest of UNITY and Equality, That Noahide Law that Zionists bribed our Corrupt Congress and Bush Sr. to sign into US Public Law 102-14 should cover Everyone, so it should be Legal to execute ALL Criminals and Traitors by Guillotine… not just Christians.


**Let's Agree That It Is Legal To Execute Zionist Cabal Criminals By GUILLOTINE As Well

Anonymous ID: 13bd7d Dec. 2, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.4124631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8chan EZ Ident-A-Zionist-Shill


They Never use the word "ZIONIST" or "CRIMES"


They will desperately try to "tell anons" that any Truth posted showing Evidence of Israeli Zionist Subversion and Organized Crimes against Americans is a "clown", "shill", "spambot".


These Jewish/Zionist/Israeli/Mossad shill bots are so Stupid that they don't realize that


they are Actually CONFIRMING The Ugly Truth about Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans.


They might deflect blame to any other group, such as Nazis, Freemasons or Nihilists, but never Jews, Israelis, nor Zionists. It's Kryptonite to anti-American Zionist Shills.


Also they Never discuss nor refute any Evidence Of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans presented. Nothing ever about CRIMES, Nope.

They will just call you "shill", "spam bot" - keep it vague so you can't tell that they are Zionists who hate Americans.


Professional Jewish Victim:


** Pretend that exposing Zionist Organized Cabal Crimes against Americans is the SAME as blaming "all Jews" to guilt the Goyim into shaking fear of being called "anti-Semitic".

Yet everyone knows that talking about the crimes of the Italian Mafia does not mean "all Italians", or the crimes of the Japanese Yakuza does not mean "all Japanese" are criminals.

But show evidence of Zionist Criminal Conspiracies, which are Groups and Networks of Zionist Criminals who have and are Subverting our Government, our Banking, Education, MSM and other industries - suddenly you'll see:

  1. Denial Trick as in: "there's no such thing as the Jews" which is mind-numbingly stupid.

  2. PC Virtue-Signaling Trick: "there are only individuals" as if there are no Zionist Groups working together.

*Note- you idiots should look up the RICO statute because that's what these groups will be prosecuted under.


***Dehumanize American anons because Jews consider all non-Jews to be "CATTLE to be exploited to benefit Jews." It's in their top secret Sanhedrin Laws.They Hate Us.


  • This is why you see all their Low IQ Ad Hominem Hate attacks, calling Patriotanons who expose Truth about Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans: "spam bots", "muhjoo", "muhjew shill", "AI", "propaganda", "fake and gay", and my Personal Favorite:

"snip pasta"

"snip pasta" must be a slang term in Tel Aviv.

::kekkity kek::

Anonymous ID: 13bd7d Dec. 2, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.4124660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Desperate Zionist Shill: "Donald Trump Loves Israel"


Zionist/Israeli Shill bots post this one flimsy straw all the time, thinking that this will Suppress the Rage that American Patriots feel over seeing the Mountain of Evidence of Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans. These Zionist maggots are sorely mistaken.


Donald J. Trump attended the New York Military Academy for 4 Years. He graduated in 1964.


*Guess what is in the Curriculum of a Military Academy?


The Art Of War by Sun Tzu


"If I'm elected, you'll find out…….

Who Did 9/11

Anonymous ID: 13bd7d Dec. 2, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.4124709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4738

Does Benjamin Netanyahu Love America and Committed To Our People?


A lame Zionist Shill Subversive tactic is to keep posting a quote from Q, and a quote from POTUS that he "loves Israel".


*This is a weak ploy of appealing to sheep-must-follow-authority. That only works on NPC Libtards, but telling 8chan anons what to do is like trying to Herd Cats, or trying to Nail Jello to the Wall.

How's that workin' out for you?


*Q quote is distorted:

"They want you DIVIDED". (so ignore Zionist Cabal Crimes cause that will "divide" you- from what, the Truth?)

When In Fact:

Zionist Cabal Lies DIVIDE Americans

Truth About Zionist Cabal Crimes UNITES Americans

Keep in mind that some of these Zionist shills are Israelis.


(((They))) want you DIVIDED….. from the Truth about Zionist Cabal Crimes.


*"POTUS Loves Israel" Quote is used constantly to imply that We, the People must follow slavishly and "love Israel" too.

Good luck with that.


The condescension of the Zionist shills is palpable because they are Professional Victims.

Anonymous ID: 13bd7d Dec. 2, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.4124779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4844 >>5274



"Organic" - Lost In Hebrew Translation

What Q meant by "Organic:


*Organic = Grassroots growth, like people supporting Trump, Heartfelt.


= Unpaid Anons here digging and posting Truth on any topic they wish.


*Inorganic = Contrived, Organized Paid protesters like those who screamed at the Judge Kavanaugh hearing.


*Inorganic = Organized, Paid Israeli and Zionist Shills paid to Suppress All Truth posted on 8chan about Zionist/Israeli ORGANIZED CRIMES Against Americans.


Q did not mean the opposite of "Organic" to be AI Machine or Bot. Lost in Hebrew Translation.


Zionist Shills Can't Deny the Truth about Zionist Organized Crimes So they just keep saying "spambot" "spambot" spambot", or they tell anons what to do: "Filter"


**They're Actually CONFIRMING the Truth by their desperate sliming of anons.


That's why their tell-tale slime is only Ad Hominum bullshit: "muhJew shill", "spambot", "clown", "AI", never a Human Being because to Jews, all you Goyim are Cattle to be exploited for their benefit. It's in their secret Sanhedrin Laws.


Zionist and Israel are terrified of the Day when The Entire Public finds out


Who Did 9/11


[[[Zionist Shilling intensifies]]]