>>4125276 pb Take a tour of the Alien (angel) wars with night vision goggles.
Its a big past time out west, watching the so called aliens, but, know some things that the bible says about these in the book of Revelation and elsewhere, before going foreword:
The "ET"'s are here alright, and lying about where they come from and who they are, just like the bible predicted would happen when Israel re-appeared on the planet as a nation again. Israel = 1947. Roswell = 1947
Many are the fallen angels that are returning, from the other dimensions. All are angels. That is why they appear as strange shape shifting balls of light or darkness depending on their energy. You will see this in the night vision video.
Man, it is said, is made in the image of God, a steady constant image.
Angel is a shape shifter, shape depending on the job at hand. Both good and evil angels can appear as light, outside our range of vision.
Fallen angels CAN become material, but, once they are here, they are stuck here. Angels have two things from God. Power and Authority. Evil angels lost both. They can drop power to get here, have no authority to be here, and once here, no power granted to get back to the quantum dimensions.
In lizard form? Well.. lizzard…. Dragon is a big lizard. Snake is a lizard. Could probably be any form. Can definately take the form of a human. All of the angels in the bible took the form of a human male with very few exceptions.
Jesus said satan and his ilk can appear as "light" or even "lightning".
But, once they are down here in 3D material, as in molecular, the evil ones lack the authority and power to leave and power back up to the quantum world where they came from.
It takes a lot of energy to make light or quarks out of even one single atom.
God took their authority away. It's a kind of trap. The good angels can deal with them. They, being physical, can not escape the rocks, and can not fly without technology just like us.
The angels who DO still have the power and the authority of God, are the angels who are fighting on OUR SIDE with God right now. These are vested with the authority and the power to go back and forth from our lower dimensions to the quantum world.
Apparently ALL of the angels can be seen with those super expensive night vision goggles. Seems to be a thing these days out west to climb the mountains in groups with the goggles to watch what most people think are "alien wars". In truth, there is, as the bible said, a "war" going on in the second heaven right now. The good Angels are on patrol keeping the bad angels the hell outta here, so we only have to deal with those that are buried underground, and those half breed Genesis 6 "demons".
The bible says that a huge number of people will believe the lies of the fallen angels in the end times, about who they are. They claim to be from other planets. But at the speeds they travel then doing those 90 degree turns suddenly? Anything physical would be flattened and die immediately. They are not in this physical plane. They are not subject to our laws of mass and gravity or other forces.
When good angels come to do their work, they are nearly always required to appear as men. The bible says that we should be kind to strangers, because in "entertaining strangers, many entertain angels unawares".
The bad guys were buried under rocks last time they came down to the physical, so, they dont want to come down to this pane. They end up under ground if they do try to mess with us. The ones who are breaking through the interface of the two dimensional spheres, the material, and the quantum world… they like to fly around and most often look like balls of light…..
These days, because of night vision goggles, people are making a living taking people up to the mountains to watch the angels that everyone is being told are "aliens from other planets". The angles appear to respond to the green lasers, and flash back or "power up"
When the bad ones come around, there is a fight, and they can fly fast. They fly in formation also, sometimes. Too many strange live videos to ignore. Too many radar blips. Best to know what these things really are, and that we were told to prepare for their arrival long ago. We were even told WHEN. After the reappearance of the nation of Israel.
Here is a video from just one such "Alien (angel) tour.