>Come on guys! Who in the hell recommended this! It starts out ok, but the whole last third of it is talking about alien invasion!!!!!
KEK…hit your trigger didn't it?
Are you arrogant enough to believe that humans are the only life in the universe?
If we agree there is truth in fiction let's have a peek at star treck…the federation observed but was not allowed to interfere…right? What if (as above so below) there are both "good" and "bad" aliens…and the good ones are not going to interfere in our primitive culture…but there are other factions that don't feel so badly about it…meaning using / abusing? Would the good ones contact the government and hand them weapons? KEK
Why is there such a MASSIVE effort by alien cults to convince us aliens are good and want to save us? What if the bad guys can't do anything unless we ask them to? What are idiots all around the globe actually doing? INVITING aliens to save us..how might that mind fuckery be used against us?
Indigenous people know all about this…and here's what the (real) elders say..(cause there are fakes out there trying to convince white people aliens are good…and to go with them when they come..TOP KEK)..the elders teach..don't go with them when they come..stay with the earth.
Now religious folk have issues with alien life (not the Catholics…KEK top level there has always known)…because if there is alien life…well then…oops. I love how the upper levels are formulating a plan…
Read Tom DeLong's book..the first one, not the second one…it's mostly true. The most interesting bit is he exposes alien abductions…fake ones to make "real ones" look crazy, to make people who talk about aliens look crazy…(he doesn't tell you what to think about it)….he just tells the story…now..why did "high level"people contact Tom and tell him this stuff and give him the go ahead to tell it?
AH motivation…always the mystery…truth mixed with fiction….Podesta, like Clinton, the Carter, like many many people who "believe"…have their own reasons.
I have my own…but how funny is it that when i carried my story to an elder…my elder was surprised that I instinctively knew (genetic memory?) that 1. they could do nothing without my permission and 2. I BTFO…and they did…now how does that work with the other people? I've also "seen" one of ours out fucking around messing with people..hey..if I was a pilot flying that thing I'd be fucking with people too…but that one? KEK I just called friends and said "I just saw the TR3B" the difference between the two experiences…not even CLOSE..I knew straight off..but how many others are the pilots fucking with..OMG I SAW A UFO black triangle…KEK.
Something, anything, that means you well is not going to abduct you against your will or experiment on you..and people who push the fucking aliens are gonna save you… PLEASE, go with them when they come. Please.
But before you go be sure to kill your dog so it won't suffer…(see Nancy Lieder and the Zetas for the sauce).