Anonymous ID: 6253dd Feb. 17, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.413989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 years for me when I started putting the pieces together and doing research on many different topics. I was coming aware and was able to call bull shit on MSM and the political engin. Last 5 months has been supersonic. At times having to step back to much info at once becomes overwhelming. I do recommend to allow yourself to take a break. Even if it’s only for like 12 hours. It helps clear your head. I do that from time to time and then review information again taking a fresh look. You can spend months just on one topic let alone trying to piece them all together. I have just took a 15 hour break and realized a difficult task ahead for myself and family. Which I know we can prob all say. I see my wife who has been taking SSRI’s for prob over 15 years now. It will be a difficult for people that live in what I call a bubble, blinded by the reality which we face. My favorite response which I just shake my head is when she says “when I see it on TV I will believe” that is our biggest mission. Trying to get through this bubble defense. I love my wife and pray for the day that she can break the bubble. We can guide and be there for them but I believe that this bubble must be popped from within. Dropping hints will help and pointing things out that are False helps soften the bubble. Keep up the discussions and 1=2; 2=4, 4=8. March on Anon, a road less traveled but be walked on to all others to see the path.