Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.413452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Got any remedies for this weird cold that everyone around me including myself has gotten? It is turning into a chest infection. I can smell/taste it.

NEEM - look it up = cheap (like $6), easy, no side effects, all natural, kills viruses & bacteria

viruses & bacteria do not become altered to be immune to it b/c it's all natural, not a compound (from a tree that grows in India/Pakistan)


2 pills 3x/day, alternate w/ vitamin C (your stomach might not like if you take it together)



Too many newfags don't realize where they are

Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.413534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3551 >>3719


>Makes me think of the Cuban embassy mystery illness. Supposedly due to a sonic device.

Woodpecker signal, US embassy in Moscow

This was the real reason the USSR was taken down (yes, taken down)

They, like National Socialist Germany, had no restrictions placed upon their scientists, i.e., they did not restrict their scientists to the Einsteinian model (which is inherently flawed, foreign to our own natural thinking and goes absolutely nowhere). As a result, they were FREE to pursue whatever they came up with. Look into the pryamid research done in the USSR - mindboggling stuff.

The Woodpecker signal showed (((certain people))) that the scientists in the USSR had reached far beyond the West in science - they were using a specific frequency, beamed at the US embassy (and were able to limit it to within one building, not surrounding ones) - that frequency caused cancer and other health problems for the staff.

Conversely, which is never brought up but is true & exists, the scientists found that beaming a certain frequency at a patient with a certain type of cancer, actually cured the cancer. But we in the West aren't (((allowed))) to have that tech.

So your comment about the connection to Cuban embassy is spot on - it was the same type of tech. It was a signal from one party to another that

>we know the tech

>we have the tech

>we are using it on your personnel in a similar situation

>WARNING to a (((certain party)))

That party received the message. That party was most likely also involved with those activities that all good people deem to be abominable (child trafficking etc)

The message was received as intended.


It was NOT a Russia vs USA issue. Russia is NOT our enemy (narrative hype bs).

Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.413729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3750 >>3793 >>4073 >>4134

If you have never heard of (or read or watched):




MK Ultra

Behold a Pale Horse

Manly P Hall

Lucis Trust

Rene August Schwaller de Lubicz

Joseph P Farrell

Protocols of Zion

Mein Kampf (the actual one, not the "annotated" new one)


Trilateral Commission

Committee of 300


Sweet Misery

Royal Raymond Rife

Conspiracy of Silence

Franklin Scandal

Laurel Canyon

The Greatest Story Never Told

Communism Through the Back Door

300 Years Together

Culture of Critique

-just a very, very short list off the top of me head, judging by the comments over the weekend and what new people seem to not know/be completely new to…


__Please, please go read and learn about them. __Take a few years to digest them. Look at the documentation both for and against them and ponder that for a year or two. Then lurk 2 years here and begin posting.


There is a crop of people here who are very excited about these shiny new red pills. And that's great. It really, really is, I'm not being sarcasmo. It's fantastic that people learn how much of history is a lie.


This group of people, though, is really behind most on this site. Far behind. Some things in that list (and there is a far, far longer list) have been known for decades. And for the denizens of this site, to see excited people learning and sharing all these new red pills is nice, but it's not helping. The general thread is sharing the information that has been known, sorry again, for decades.


Maybe put the information on MK Ultra in the MK Ultra thread, etc. That way, all the people who are new to it can read stuff there instead of trying to educate everyone about it in the general.


Really not trying to be a dick but fuck, it's tiresome, and I'm just the one who is saying it right now in this way. Others will say it too, in their own way (probably a lot less words) at different times. Guys, we're happy for you that you found this info, but go read, get up to speed and then come back because /pol/acks already know it.


If you don't - then really, please go read, study, learn and process it. It's not that YOU aren't valuable or unwanted, it's that most oldfags have known this stuff for a long, long time. Again, it's great that you are encountering and learning about it! (not sarcasm) There is a LOT of information you need to read/watch and process to get up to speed. This is why the analysis of some things Q posts and in the news is so different than yours: extensive background info & knowledge. It will be really cool and a force multiplier once you catch up. In the meantime, still be here, participate, read those things, watch the docus and process, but this is not the place to teach everyone about MK Ultra (hint: there's a thread if you need it).


Yeah, call me a dick, it doesn't matter, the principle is the same, the fact remains. You're not enemies, you're just behind. Want you to get caught up to better help - we ALL WANT TO HELP, that's why we are here. I don't hate you and am not insulting you. That's not the intent. Go study, learn, process. Please. And thank you.

Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 5:37 p.m. No.413757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3972


Military tech was generally 25-30 years in advance of commercially available to civilians. That was one thing when we progressed in a linear fashion. Now our progress is geometric - so yeah, it's sci-fi level now. Remember that either AC Clarke or Asimov was actually read into some programs to make their "sci-fi" ideas into reality. We may actually even have the old Star Trek replicator type tech now, just classified. Who knows? I don't!



Hmm, well okay. Psychotronic warfare and weapons were so far ahead of the West at that time, fascinating stuff. They took it and built upon it. I can only imagine where they are now. Us, too.

We both had evil people in govt who would use that against us. Thankfully we both now have people who are working, in their own ways, to clean out the filth and use that tech for better purposes.

Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.413906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No Q did not recommend the book. He called attention to a certain passage in the book that an anon posted as a screenshot. That part dealt with pharmaceuticals making the human brain more susceptible to outside manipulation. That is all.

Anonymous ID: ea9fdf Feb. 17, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.414128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4158


More like he spoke truth to power in the hyena's den, to their faces, on live tv. He challenged them and exposed them in their 'house.' He indicated once and for all the was going to wage total war on them. The understood, even if the viewing public didnt.