Mathfag with some numbers I've calced on debunking climate change and over-population fraud. I've used these for a few years to red pill anyone who would listen and hope others might find them useful as well. The math can be found in any middle school geometry textbook.
To consider the enormity of the sun generated forces affecting our solar system, shrink the sun to the size of a grapefruit. Pluto would be 3/4 of a mile away. The Earth would be a pinhead in a very powerful and toxic environment just 46 feet away.
To consider the over-population nonsense, If we gave 7 billion people a quarter acre of land, they would fit on 3.3% of the Earth's surface, or an area roughly the size of Alaska.
To consider man-made climate change, take a medium ballpoint and put a dot on the pinhead 46 feet from the toxic grapefruit. What's affecting the pinhead more? The grapefruit or the ballpoint dot?
Thanks for your attention, anons. May the work of your minds be always blessed.