my BS meter went off the charts
headline left out most important GHWB legacy: JFK and MKULTRA
P U L E E Z E!
said my piece a bread or so ago……. he supported POTUS early, when nobody else did and in the face of FOX owners.
ty anon for bringing that up. I've been saying that for days…. GHWB and MKULTRA and JFK, trifecta
no activation in WA
>>4133454 lb
>Dem congresswoman helps five caravan asylum seekers enter the US
did that bitch just break the law?? very, very embarrassed to be a Washingtonian… we've been invaded by socialists
>>4133454 lb
>Dem congresswoman helps five caravan asylum seekers enter the US
did that bitch just break the law??? embarrassed to be a Washingtonian