Normal cuckoldry for the TRUMP administration.
Same as it ever was.
Nothing's happened in over a year.
Why would anons start thinking critically now?
Sadly, this is very reminiscent of the Democrats during the Obama years.
Faggots here can shit on Corsi but Larry Klayman is a Patriot, I think.
They're at least doing something.
Unlike the anons here.
>May they get Justice. Soon.
>May the World "Find Out Who Did 9/11"
AMEN brother.
I doubt it will ever happen, sadly.
(((THEIR))) pimp hand is strong.
>FBIโฆwhite shoe boy criminals
No kidding.
All the government worship around here is SICKENING.
He fucked and killed little boys for decades
What a stupid question.
Keep watching FOX
FOX news is EVIL
anons really need to get that FOX is more dangerous than CNN or MSNBC
>The reins were handed over to you youngsters
Fuck yourself BOOMER
Your generation DESTROYED the world
>REAL news starts hitting
Next Week, fren
Trust the Plan [even though none of know what it is]
Are you insane?
You don't get elected in MEXICO unless you're comped.
Best case, the dude is a nationalistic commie, ala Chavez.
That's where Mexico will end up.
<nothings happened in over a year
^^^ nothing meaningful that will bring about the draining of the SWAMP.